What I've Learned In My First 60 Days at UPS


Well-Known Member
I'm actually a female in my early 40's. The group who got hired around the same time as me was quite different. The there were a few young men straight out of high school and also a few other women close to my age, one even looked older. I am fortunate enough to have alternative employment, but I didn't want a part time job in my current field. Once I read about all of the P/T UPS benefits, it seemed in my best interest to stick around for as long as I can handle. I honestly didn't think is make it through two weeks!
Good luck and hang in there. I will take brains and a good attitude over brawn in my preloaders every day.


Well-Known Member
1) I'm still not sure if it's the p/t job for me, but it's gotten easier over time.
2) As a pre-loader, it's obvious that some drivers are divas. Instead of directing their anger at mgmt, they snap at you for a full package car with 170 stops.
3) I'm not sure if I could ever be a supervisor. A good number of them are blatant a$$e$.
4) The sound of the scan check is annoying as all hell.
5) Work as Directed is more often than not, arbitrary and capricious.
6) According to my pedometer, I take about 18,000 steps during my shift.
7) If you post on Brown Cafe as a "newbie" you will likely be verbally beat down. If you snap back, you will be called a troll.
8) The turnover rate is extremely high. I was in the " mentoring" sessions with about 14 people and only about five of us have remained.
9)Getting two pages of adcuts at 8:00am is not okay.
10) I work with a great group of guys who have helped make my adjustment to the job somewhat favorable.
You definitely nailed number 7. Quite a crowd around here. If you start posting about how bad your job is and spend all of your free time away from UPS talking about UPS, you may get into the club. (Lol)