$100 a week for insurance and little or no raises!!

How is making a sarcastic crack about litigation an insult to you? Seriously, I was not trying to insult anyone, I was trying to point out that from what I have read in these threads, Hall is going into negotiations with preconceived ideas about what he is and is not willing to even discuss. If the company did that, you would call it failing to negotiate in good faith.

And you are correct, I have gotten nothing but hate in this thread. Strangely though, I have gotten nothing but hate from only you. The rest of your brothers have been able to have reasonable discourse, even over very emotional subjects.

Might want to reflect on that.

I am not calling you names, I am not saying you are no one and have no value, as you have said of me, I am merely suggesting you might want to reflect on why you are the only one who feels the need to sling those insults at me.
sorry I might have taken it a little to far but I felt your litigation statement to be a challenge. I was wondering why some nobody ( no disrespect to you) would say this.

If you feel the hate from me I'm truly sorry but the hate for you and your screen name are far greater than your senses can pick up on. This has been a very hard last 6 yeas and this company has changed the culture catastrophically I'm afraid. Most teamsters will forever be suspicious of management and some have very deep disdain that can't be repaired. Compound this with record profits and you attacking our healthcare and the :censored2: will and is going to hit the fan. As a man I bet you are a good husband father son friend but as an adversary it's you against me. God bless


Age quod agis
I really believe companies are waiting to see how other companies proceed.

It really is to the benefit of the company to increase your wage and not provide Health insurance.
You can always go to the state exchange to purchase health care.
UPS can just pay the fine per employee.

It really does place the responsibility of health care on the employee and cause you to improve your lifestyle.
I believe that the exchanges can add a huge surcharge to the cost of health insurance to smokers; UPS can't punish employees for smoking, yet smokers are more expensive to insure.

I really believe providing insurance to employees is going to be something companies did in the past.
Companies are not in the business to lose money. If everyone else is cutting health insurance; why not UPS?

Public will find it hard to stomach the wages and benefits UPSers receive.
No one cares about the wear and tear on the body.

I want the health care to continue but if you take the pulse of the common man...no one cares about us. A UPS employee, all employees, salary or hourly, is a prima-donna in the eyes of others.
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I got tired of reading thru this thread, so If I repeat sometthing, my bad. Folks, this is what you get for re-electing Obama. With all the legislation hes trying to pass right as I type and all the tax increases he's proposing on corporations, it serves yall right. Plus, not to mention Obamacare and all its taxes and suprises. UPS, despite its profits, is preparing for the slew of money its gonna have to pay out to Uncle Sam. UPS is gonna do what will cost it the least to do. Theyre a big company thats in it to make money. Dont get me wrong, I dont like this crap either. Im just trying to look at it in a different light. SO many folks cried that the rich werent getting taxed enough. Well, get ready for your wish!! Cause' its gonna come back to bite ya in the ass! What ever you do to the rich trickles down to the middle class, then the poor.


Age quod agis
I got tired of reading thru this thread, so If I repeat sometthing, my bad. Folks, this is what you get for re-electing Obama. With all the legislation hes trying to pass right as I type and all the tax increases he's proposing on corporations, it serves yall right. Plus, not to mention Obamacare and all its taxes and suprises. UPS, despite its profits, is preparing for the slew of money its gonna have to pay out to Uncle Sam. UPS is gonna do what will cost it the least to do. Theyre a big company thats in it to make money. Dont get me wrong, I dont like this crap either. Im just trying to look at it in a different light. SO many folks cried that the rich werent getting taxed enough. Well, get ready for your wish!! Cause' its gonna come back to bite ya in the ass! What ever you do to the rich trickles down to the middle class, then the poor.

I agree.


All Trash No Trailer
I got tired of reading thru this thread, so If I repeat sometthing, my bad. Folks, this is what you get for re-electing Obama. With all the legislation hes trying to pass right as I type and all the tax increases he's proposing on corporations, it serves yall right. Plus, not to mention Obamacare and all its taxes and suprises. UPS, despite its profits, is preparing for the slew of money its gonna have to pay out to Uncle Sam. UPS is gonna do what will cost it the least to do. Theyre a big company thats in it to make money. Dont get me wrong, I dont like this crap either. Im just trying to look at it in a different light. SO many folks cried that the rich werent getting taxed enough. Well, get ready for your wish!! Cause' its gonna come back to bite ya in the ass! What ever you do to the rich trickles down to the middle class, then the poor.
Ever hear of Romneycare?
Universal Health Coverage is going to be implemented regardless who is president


Well-Known Member
Typical greedy republican way of thinking. So if romney was elected UPS wouldnt be going after our healthcare? Now thats friend*k8ing funny. Its called corporate greed....everyone pay their fair share and sacrifice (if thats what ya really want to call it for the upper 2%) if your not willing to fight for what the union has done for you and your family just quit or switch over to managment. This was coming either way Romney or Obama dont be naive!
Like I said, Im merely looking at it in another light without having a knee-jerk reaction to what UPS proposes. And no, had anyone but Obama been elected, corporate taxes would not have been increased the levels he is proposing. Thats almost a guaranteed fact. Corporations all over America are bracing for huge increases in taxes. Many smaller companies may go under or lay off many folks just to stay afloat. Now, on the flip side, yes, I know damn well that some of the higher ups will get outrageous salary increases despite so called "troublesome times". No system or company is perfecet. There will always be some form of greed going on in any entity if humans are involved. Instead of crying foul, we should ask UPS WHY? Why do they want to make us help pay for coverage. All this speculation and us vs them mentality does nothing for us or our company. Id be willing to take a decreased pay raise if it meant keeping our coverage. Im willing to compromise.
One reason the big 3 went bankrupt, or whatever you wanna call it, is that the UAW kept demanding and demanding and demanding, with no compromise. Now look at those companies and all the workers who lost it all. We may not like the crap corporate does or proposes, but instead of saying Eff-U as a knee jerk reaction, we need to sit down and at least try to see it from their point of view and make a compromise that benefits all us.


Age quod agis
Typical greedy republican way of thinking. So if romney was elected UPS wouldnt be going after our healthcare? Now thats friend*k8ing funny. Its called corporate greed....everyone pay their fair share and sacrifice (if thats what ya really want to call it for the upper 2%) if your not willing to fight for what the union has done for you and your family just quit or switch over to managment. This was coming either way Romney or Obama dont be naive!

rudy, the election is over.

Romney considered the sovereignty of the state in regards to healthcare and the Affordable Healthcare Act is a federal program.
We are not here to assign bull**** labels on people but if you must; look in the mirror because the label you have earned with the above post will remain unmentioned.

That corporate greed keeps the likes of you and I employed.

I am not in the upper 2% but I hope to be someday with sound investments and hard work.


Family Leave Fridays!!!
I got tired of reading thru this thread, so If I repeat sometthing, my bad. Folks, this is what you get for re-electing Obama. With all the legislation hes trying to pass right as I type and all the tax increases he's proposing on corporations, it serves yall right. Plus, not to mention Obamacare and all its taxes and suprises. UPS, despite its profits, is preparing for the slew of money its gonna have to pay out to Uncle Sam. UPS is gonna do what will cost it the least to do. Theyre a big company thats in it to make money. Dont get me wrong, I dont like this crap either. Im just trying to look at it in a different light. SO many folks cried that the rich werent getting taxed enough. Well, get ready for your wish!! Cause' its gonna come back to bite ya in the ass! What ever you do to the rich trickles down to the middle class, then the poor.

Are people really this ignorant?

UPS is in business to generate profits. Not only are most UPSers among the very last employees to pay absolutely nothing for our health insurance, we have among the most generous, lowest out-of-pocket benefits available. Given the aging work force at UPS -- as I mentioned previously, most PTers progressing into FT driving and even management are now into their 30s, it's no surprise health care costs are of growing concern to the company. That's especially true given that its primary competition is paying $0, on average, for health insurance.

ObamaCare is not the driving reason behind this decision. Remember, the primary reason for soaring health care costs is the growing burden of un/underinsured people (like the 1M workers at Walmart) who are unable to pay but continue to access the system. If ObamaCare is successful, it will stabilize costs which HELPS, not HURTS, UPS.

It always amazes me when I see this idiots on TV decrying ObamaCare, then going to the hospital, pumping out another kid... then skipping the bill when it arrives.


Well-Known Member
It's one thing to have strong opinions, it's another to believe in fallacies.

Health care costs have been soaring disproportional to the rate of inflation throughout our lifetime; the sole exception was when PPO were introduced during the Clinton Administration. ObamaCare is an attempt to stabilize health care costs - whether or not that will happen we don't know yet.

Undoubtedly, UPS's health care costs are soaring because its workforce is aging. People have begun retiring in large numbers & the FT hiring freeze over the past decade means that most of the people entering FT driving are at least in their 30s -- well-beyond the coveted, low-cost 20s group. Any attempt by UPS to collect premiums for its health insurance, as well as benefit dilution, is a derivative of the company seeking to stabilize & lower its costs, yielding bigger profits.

Wake up.

Wake up---smell the roses and the coffee.

Obama was going to fix the rising Healthcare problem.



Family Leave Fridays!!!
Wake up---smell the roses and the coffee.

Obama was going to fix the rising Healthcare problem.


Our health care system has been broken for many years, corresponding with the era in which employers began dumping health insurance & the ranks of un/underinsured grew in this country. Rising health care costs ACCELERATED under a Republican-controlled White House & Congress.

ObamaCare is an attempt to take money already being spent on un/underinsured, spread it out, encourage them to get preventive treatment/etc. so that costs may actually be lowered long-term.

Since you don't seem to be aware of that, I'll excuse you, because few people opposed to ObamaCare really know what it's about / what it's intended to do.


Well-Known Member

The nations healthcare issue is like having a 20 story building ablaze. Fire department Elephants have two pumper engines, and one ladder engine. Fire company Donkey has 1 Pumper engine and two ladder engines. Neither are able to put out the inferno. Their best chance is to work together and round up as many other companies as possible. Unfortunately for the tax payers, the trucks are still back at their respected fire houses arguing over what to do and who will command the operation. Mean while the inferno only intensifies.


Family Leave Fridays!!!
The nations healthcare issue is like having a 20 story building ablaze. Fire department Elephants have two pumper engines, and one ladder engine. Fire company Donkey has 1 Pumper engine and two ladder engines. Neither are able to put out the inferno. Their best chance is to work together and round up as many other companies as possible. Unfortunately for US, the trucks are still back at their respected fire houses argueing over what to do and who will command the operation. Mean while the inferno onlyintensifies.

Yes, but we're not helpless. I have an uninsured acquaintance who noticed a growth but did nothing about it given the $300 price attached to a biopsy. It was cancerous and by the time he sought treatment, it had spread so that his treatments have totaled nearly $1M. He'll never pay anything toward that $1M, especially since it's merely extending his life a few years. Had he had insurance, a few hundreds bucks could've saved his life. These are the types of situations we need to correct.


Well-Known Member
Our health care system has been broken for many years, corresponding with the era in which employers began dumping health insurance & the ranks of un/underinsured grew in this country. Rising health care costs ACCELERATED under a Republican-controlled White House & Congress.

ObamaCare is an attempt to take money already being spent on un/underinsured, spread it out, encourage them to get preventive treatment/etc. so that costs may actually be lowered long-term.

Since you don't seem to be aware of that, I'll excuse you, because few people opposed to ObamaCare really know what it's about / what it's intended to do.


With respect, I suggest you spend some time and research the Obama plan and what it will cost corporations and the tax payer. Yes, healthcare was an issue that was ignored by the Bush administration and the Cigar boys administration. It is an issue that has been festering for a long long time. However, the plan that we are now living threw will cost more to tax payers, whether that be corporations or individuals, more then anyone had ever imagined.

I encourage you to not focus in on left or right wing media. They both have their agendas. But the information and FACTS are out there.


Family Leave Fridays!!!

With respect, I suggest you spend some time and research the Obama plan and what it will cost corporations and the tax payer. Yes, healthcare was an issue that was ignored by the Bush administration and the Cigar boys administration. It is an issue that has been festering for a long long time. However, the plan that we are now living threw will cost more to tax payers, whether that be corporations or individuals, more then anyone had ever imagined.

I encourage you to not focus in on left or right wing media. They both have their agendas. But the information and FACTS are out there.

Health care is a very pertinent issue to me, and I've done more research on ObamaCare than probably every person on these forums combined. Organizations can only guess as to the costs of ObamaCare; theoretically, it's possible - but not likely - that ObamaCare could cost taxpayers less than the subsidies we're already paying long-term. One thing to remember that is even if ObamaCare were to be repelled today, companies will continue to divest themselves of health care obligations, or set co-premiums such that employees choose to go without insurance. The Right will always blame ObamaCare for such, even though it's not true.

Companies exist for big paydays to its largest stakeholders (executive management, stockholders, etc.) -- and absolutely no other reason, including taking care of employees. And that mentality will accelerate in the future.

The reality is that most UPSers are spoiled. If they had "average" health insurance, with the costs that come with it, they'd think differently.
A little bit of health care history. The year is say, 1979. A person payed say $20 for an office visit and subsequent treatment maybe totally $100. Said person had insurance, but not for everyday doctor visits and meds. His insurance is for that car wreck he gets in and needs his leg removed and 30 days in the hospital to recover. Yeh, he might get a bill for $200-$500 that he can pay in installments, who knows. Point being, insurance was for catastrophic events, not when your kid has a cold or you have a cut that requires 5 stitches. Fast forward to 2013. Everyone and their mother goes to the doctor for every little damn ailment. Healthcare rates have gone thru the roof because of this. People abuse the very system put in place to help them. Even myself at one time. I am much more in tune with my healthcare costs now. I talk to my dentist or doctor when they want to bill me a certain amount and I haggle with them. It works and I did my part not to increase healthcare costs in this nation. Im not an overly worldly person, but Ive been to enough countries (10+)where some form of socialized medicine is in place and it sucks!! True, I know very little about Obamacare, but what I do know isnt gonna help like its meant to. I hate to digress, but Obamacare is going to impose so many hidden fees and taxes on the American taxpayer and corporations alike that we will never recover from it. And because of it, to some degree, UPS is contemplating proposing that we pay for some or all of our healthcare. Is there greed hidden somewhere in that proposal? Probably, who knows. But to simply place all the blame on greed and greed alone is narrow minded.
As someone else mentioned earlier, if they do take it away, then give us a raise to compensate and put the control of healthcare in the employees hands. Itll make for a better marketplace on healthcare. Companies will compete for our buisness and give us a better product. Either way,


Well-Known Member
The reality is that most UPSers are spoiled. If they had "average" health insurance, with the costs that come with it, they'd think differently.

Our jobs are not average when it comes to the wear and tear our bodies are exposed to day in and day out. I would bet that out of the drivers I drive with, better then half have gone under some sort of shoulder, knee, hip or other serious reconstruction do to this job. Most of the drivers that I see retire do so as their bodies are giving up and forcing them to retire. So I do not buy into the "spoiled" theory.

[bagels=quote]ObamaCare; theoretically, it's possible - but not likely - that ObamaCare could cost taxpayers less than the subsidies we're already paying long-term[/quote]

So if it Obama care is not likely save us money, is it not safe to say that Obama care is likely to cost us the same and if not more then the subsidies that have been in place? And where will that money come from? The tax payers. Tax payers who are already struggling to make ends meet.

Just because others are not afforded the insurance that we have it doesn't make it right for us not to have the insurance that we work for.
