Our production is very tough, absolutely. It is however, an integral part of the business model that makes UPS successful.
This is the simple Model that UPS uses - Pay UPSers more than any one else in the industry pays them by far. Then beat them like a red headed step child to get way more out of them than anyone else in the industry gets, by far.
I am not making a moral judgement, I am laying plain out what the model is, and we already know it is successful, at least from a profitability stand point. But if you want to cut back one side of that business model, you need to cut back on the other or you break the model.
UPS has argued that it should be allowed to require its employees to kick in for the rising cost of health coverage like most companies do. Hall has countered that UPS is not most companies, and that this argument holds no merit. I find Hall absolutely right in his stance.
But then Hall turns around and says that UPS should not be allowed to drive its employees to give the utmost in production, and should accept a much lower production standard from its employees, you know, like most companies do. Guess what Ken, UPS is not most companies.