2016 Republican Convention is set to be a disaster for the GOP...

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
The best description made by a conservative writer for the weekly standard was this:

Question: "How would you rate this convention comparing it to the past two conventions?"

Answer: "I would describe it as an UNmitigated Disaster."

Best answer EVAH!


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Well, the GOP convention is over, and as this thread is titled, the convention was a diaster at best.

The things people will remember most about this convention?

1) Melania plagiarizing her speech from michele obama, then lying about writing it, then the campaign lying about it being a coincidence, then coming out and admitting they stole parts of the speech.

2) Melanias college record, a flat out lie, a fabrication of the truth to make Melania sound smarter than she really is.

3) a host of "Z" listers coming forward to make ridiculous speeches, IE: chachi, guilianni.

4) laura ingraham giving the NAZI salute at the end of her speech.

5) Ted Cruz bringing the floor to BOOOOS while he torpedoed DRUMPF.

By all accounts, this was a train wreck that I predicted.

Thanks for particpating. Its been great watching the GOP implode.


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Just in case you missed it, take a look for yourself. While the subconscious mind is very powerful, it caught Laura off guard and she quickly turned her NAZI salute into a wave.

NOBODY waves in this fashion. She clearly makes the salute, holds it for a brief second with locked arms and wrist, then turns it into a wave.

I would say its unbelievable, but I wouldnt expect anything different from this witch.

Laura Ingraham called out for appearing to make a Nazi salute

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Just in case you missed it, take a look for yourself. While the subconscious mind is very powerful, it caught Laura off guard and she quickly turned her NAZI salute into a wave.

NOBODY waves in this fashion. She clearly makes the salute, holds it for a brief second with locked arms and wrist, then turns it into a wave.

I would say its unbelievable, but I wouldnt expect anything different from this witch.

Laura Ingraham called out for appearing to make a Nazi salute

That wasn't a Nazi salute. And yes I love her.


re: melania trump plagarizing michelle obama's speech

not a big deal, but its interesting to see the reaction of the audience when melania says it, compared to if michelle obama was saying it. one would get boos, and the other applause. but its the same message.

so my point is quite often people agree or disagree with something just based on the person who says it.


Staff member
Never said that. I never robbed or shot anyone. The laws in rifles are way less strict than handguns.

I bought a shotgun at a garage sale. Does that make me a bad person?
My bad. i thought you werr inferring that you don't register your firearms.

No. I don't think it makes you a bad person. I'm sure you have many other traiys that do that.;)