2020 candidates

El Correcto

god is dead
Stop blathering about your meager :censored2:ing tax dollar contribution.

You'd swear you were Lance Bass, with his tax burden, and you were supporting a small city with your withholdings alone, instead of like the white Antoine Dodson, paying out barely enough for a few snickers bars and MRE or two to eat each week, for a single special soldier, while you scream at the top of your lungs - hide yo kids, hide yo wife, hide yo check, the Gov't is coming for yo checks!!! Lie about yo hours, bitches! Lie about yo hours!

Get real.
No I pay out enough taxes for them to educate one illegal for a year in California. They might as well by a 12,000 dollar snickers bar for all I care. :censored2: that kid and :censored2: them.


Well-Known Member
No I pay out enough taxes for them to educate one illegal for a year in California. They might as well by a 12,000 dollar snickers bar for all I care. :censored2: that kid and :censored2: them.
Thank the starman above that everyone doesn't think like your selfish ass. You'd be broke - a homeless derelict in your old age, after the medical costs started mounting, and they seized your home in lieu of sending you to debtor's prison.

I'm so glad there's Democrats in this country to counteract the worst of you and your conservative boy's club and their initiatives and ideas of what true freedom is. We'd all be left to rot once we were used up by society and no longer 'producers' in the economy anymore...the trickle down economy, to be specific.

El Correcto

god is dead
Why don’t they ask a real question to Biden?

Hey Biden how much did your coke head son make from the Chinese this year?

Why are black children locked up but your kid skates the laws while you obstruct justice for him?

Where is your sense of shame Biden? How can you stand here lying to the American people acting like you’re not a piece of :censored2:?


Well-Known Member
I know it's why I cant go to sleep.
You sure it's not the ADHD meds that help slow you down, enough to concentrate, and to read at a 3rd grade level?

I'd guess it's the amphetamine salts, and not the Democratic platforms, but that's just me being intelligent, and not assigning your insomnia to your supposed intense love of our country and fear of liberal control of it.

Call it an educated guess, mmmkay.

Also, pitiful? C'mon, guy, don't be so hard on yourself. Sure it's pretty pathetic that an adult needs copius amounts of pure speed to read at a level far below the norm for a grown man, while comprehending next to none of it, but you don't have to take it out on yourself.

Blame the school system, and your parents for not caring enough to put you in a good institution of secondary learning, and forcing you to put down the Duck Hunt pistol and pick up a phonics book - It's not your fault.

It's not your fault.

Seriously, speed freak, it's not. your. fault.
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El Correcto

god is dead
Thank the starman above that everyone doesn't think like your selfish ass. You'd be broke - a homeless derelict in your old age, after the medical costs started mounting, and they seized your home in lieu of sending you to debtor's prison.

I'm so glad there's Democrats in this country to counteract the worst of you and your conservative boy's club and their initiatives and ideas of what true freedom is. We'd all be left to rot once we were used up by society and no longer 'producers' in the economy anymore...the trickle down economy, to be specific.
You don’t realize we have lots of governments in this country. Why do all y’all grand ideas have to be tried out on the federal level?

Why are people fleeing your :censored2:hole states for oasis of lower taxes?

It’s because deep down people are just like me, they want to be left alone and enjoy what they have earned out of life, things the democrats will never allow.


nowhere special


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
You sure it's not the ADHD meds that help slow you down, enough to concentrate, and to read at a 3rd grade level?

I'd guess it's the amphetamine salts, and not the Democratic platforms, but that's just me being intelligent, and not assigning your insomnia to your supposed intense love of our country and fear of liberal control of it.

Call it an educated guess, mmmkay.

Also, pitiful? C'mon, guy, don't be so hard on yourself. Sure it's pretty pathetic that an adult needs copius amounts of pure speed to read at a level far below the norm for a grown man, while comprehending next to none of it, but you don't have to take it out on yourself.

Blame the school system, and your parents for not caring enough to put you in a good institution of secondary learning, and forcing you to put down the Duck Hunt pistol and pick up a phonics book - It's not your fault.

It's not your fault.

Seriously, speed freak, it's not. your. fault.
I'm hooked on phonics
Yabba Dabba Dooooooo
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Well-Known Member
I think Kamala Harris made the best impression tonight.
Intelligent, tough and a leader with a strategic vision.

I thought her busing comment was a bit too emotional for a presidential candidate otherwise she had a strong showing. All debaters go into these hoping to play certain lines at the right moment. she was well prepared to deliver her lines.


Well-Known Member
providing health care to illegals while we have people camping out in the streets of california and veterans that need help will not play well next year. Trump will beat the eventual dem candidate silly with that point.


nowhere special
I thought her busing comment was a bit too emotional for a presidential candidate otherwise she had a strong showing. All debaters go into these hoping to play certain lines at the right moment. she was well prepared to deliver her lines.
Looked like the fix was in for Harris. She never had to answer any real questions or explain her answers.