2023 contract


Well-Known Member
Maybe the bidding process is different where you are but in my building the bid sheets literally say RPCD or 22.4 on them when they hang the sheets. All the 22.4 bids are cover and can be signed by PT only. RPCD bids can also be cover or they can more often be a certain route. That is how a 22.4 moves up; they eventually have enough seniority to win a RPCD bid.

Super confusing process considering that it is the same job.
Can you find out with your union rep how you guys are allowed to do that? I recently got screwed and argued 4.3 WRT to be allowed to bid routes on saturdays and was told all 22.4 must work as directed and have no bidding rights.


Well-Known Member
Maybe the bidding process is different where you are but in my building the bid sheets literally say RPCD or 22.4 on them when they hang the sheets. All the 22.4 bids are cover and can be signed by PT only. RPCD bids can also be cover or they can more often be a certain route. That is how a 22.4 moves up; they eventually have enough seniority to win a RPCD bid.

Super confusing process considering that it is the same job.
Over here we just get a call from HR if we are interested in promoting to RPCD/Feeder/etc. In whatever nearby center. But I’m interested in 22.4 being able to bid routes which I think should be a basic thing that should be contractually protected.


*Part time wage increases- part time wages NEED increased to stay competitive and to help retain people. It seems like young people now do not want to work and are not thinking about benefits so they need more motivation to stay instead of getting a similar pay working somewhere else for way less stress and effort. Maybe it would help if the time to get benefits was reduced more. I believe its at 9 months now... it could help with rentention to reduce it to 6 or maybe even 3 months then you get benefits. Also when i did preload alot of long timers said they always vote down the contract proposals because there is nothing that really changes for them.

Dropping Healthcare from 9 months to 3 won't help with retention. Most are going to quit before their first month.

The only things that will help retention are a competitive starting wage, and a meaningful wage increase YOY. Right now they get a :censored2:ty starting rate and they get locked out of the GWI in favor of the insultingly low new hire progression. Why do they only get a 50 cent raise this year while everyone else gets a dollar? Because :censored2: them I guess.

Personally, I think part time should have a 4 year progression (to coincide with the end of schooling) and an actual top rate ($25-27). But that is probably heresy around here.


Well-Known Member
The union wanted more pension money because of 22.4 jobs get the same amount of pension money put in as the rpcd drivers

If you want my personal opinion on why this contract was rammed up our behind.
Hoffa felt this thing of losing in the United States in 2016 and wonders shove it to the members one more time

But that's just my personal opinion

I hope that bastard rots in hell

He did a lot of damage to our Union
I hope Big Union Man doesn't see this...