22.3 Inside/Inside Pay? NY State

That is deff the truth, My center mngr told me they subbed HR & payroll outl!! Sorry guys just new to the site and didn’t wanna keep rambling on. I Just came here for some advise I figured I’d get roasted anyway.lol It’s just a shame I pay monthly dues to a so called union that just ends up siding with the co in the end anyway!!! So that yellow piece of paper isn’t even worth the ink I write my concerns with!!! Just thought I’d share how I’m getting screwed with the rest of us. Oh and P.s “THERS SOMTHING TO SEE HERE…COME ALONG” have an email from the center manger to a part time sup when I grieved the red circle situation for the air progression, Stating that I would ultimately make more on the inside than I would on outside! So the said question was asked to the said person at the said time!!!


New Member
I don't understand your issue and how you think the union is screwing.

What rate do you believe you should be making and in what classification?
Well I thought since my 22.3 bid is inside/air shuttle and 80% of my job is inside I would be classified under article 41 and be paid inside wage while I’m inside. But since I run an air shuttle 2hrs of my day there saying I’m classified under article 40 and get my part time wage for all the inside work and air pay for the 2hr shuttle. And I filed a grievance and the labor guy told the business agent that I fall under article 40 and that was that! That’s why I feel as I’m being screwed we’re not talking about a dollar or two on the hr it’s a $15 an hr difference in pay!! I’m sure anyone would be upset after 4yrs on the job thinking your going to be toped out at $34 an hr and then told that’s incorrect after the center manager told me before I took the job that I would be payed a full time inside wage. I just came here looking for advice or to see if anyone els has gone through the same issue that’s all.


promoted to mediocrity
Well I thought since my 22.3 bid is inside/air shuttle and 80% of my job is inside I would be classified under article 41 and be paid inside wage while I’m inside. But since I run an air shuttle 2hrs of my day there saying I’m classified under article 40 and get my part time wage for all the inside work and air pay for the 2hr shuttle. And I filed a grievance and the labor guy told the business agent that I fall under article 40 and that was that! That’s why I feel as I’m being screwed we’re not talking about a dollar or two on the hr it’s a $15 an hr difference in pay!! I’m sure anyone would be upset after 4yrs on the job thinking your going to be topped out at $34 an hr and then told that’s incorrect after the center manager told me before I took the job that I would be payed a full time inside wage. I just came here looking for advice or to see if anyone else has gone through the same issue that’s all.
@Eazy38: While I haven't reviewed the contract language (if it has changed over the last few contracts), it certainly used to be that the job, as you described it, does indeed fall under Article 40 as far as pay rate: FT Air Driver rate for driving & Inside work pay rate based on your PT seniority date. There were plenty of these jobs in my Local to have clearly established this pay schedule (I believe it was/is the lowest paying FT job assuming one isn't a 'red-circled' PT or mostly driving). I actually won a bid for this job description a long time ago, and this is what I expected, based on reading the contract language, and talking with stewards & the business agent. The main advantages of this job are, or at least used to be: you're now full time-FT guarantee of hours, vesting towards FT pension, FT seniority date (many people here used that to be able to bid into 'better' 22.3 jobs-that have the better inside-inside pay schedule). Of course now, there are more FT package car drivers willing to bid 'down' to 22.3, if they're not willing to bid 'up' to feeder.

Caveat: my Local is technically a separate contract and not a party to the NMA, but the contract language was always identical, and I'm not aware of any differences of intent (during negotiations) or interpretation (grievance/arbitration).

Q: Is this a new position, or filling a vacancy? If it's a new job, that might explain why your center manager gave you an incorrect answer (without checking with Labor & Payroll and/or Finance). But to be honest, this position is probably at or near the bottom of his/her priorities.
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New Member
]: While I haven't reviewed the contract language (if it has changed over the last few contracts), it certainly used to be that the job, as you described it, does indeed fal under Article 40 as far as pay rate: FT Air Driver rate for driving & Inside work pay rate based on your PT seniority date. There were plenty of these jobs in my Local to have clearly established this pay schedule (I believe it was/is the lowest paying FT job assuming one isn't a 'red-circled' PT or mostly driving). I actually won a bid for this job description a long time ago, and this is what I expected, based on reading the contract language, and talking with stewards & the business agent. The main advantages of this job are, or at least used to be: you're now full time-FT guarantee of hours, vesting towards FT pension, FT seniority date (many people here used that to be able to bid into 'better' 22.3 jobs-that have the better inside-inside pay schedule). Of course now, there are more FT package car drivers willing to bid 'down' to 22.3, if they're not willing to bid 'up' to feeder.

Caveat: my Local is technically a separate contract and not a party to the NMA, but the contract language was always identical, and I'm not aware of any differences of intent (during negotiations) or interpretation (grievance/arbitration).

Q: Is this a new position, or filling a vacancy? If it's a new job, that might explain why your center manager gave you an incorrect answer (without checking with Labor & Payroll and/or Finance). But to be honest, this position is probably at or near the bottom of his/her priorities
@Eazy38: While I haven't reviewed the contract language (if it has changed over the last few contracts), it certainly used to be that the job, as you described it, does indeed fall under Article 40 as far as pay rate: FT Air Driver rate for driving & Inside work pay rate based on your PT seniority date. There were plenty of these jobs in my Local to have clearly established this pay schedule (I believe it was/is the lowest paying FT job assuming one isn't a 'red-circled' PT or mostly driving). I actually won a bid for this job description a long time ago, and this is what I expected, based on reading the contract language, and talking with stewards & the business agent. The main advantages of this job are, or at least used to be: you're now full time-FT guarantee of hours, vesting towards FT pension, FT seniority date (many people here used that to be able to bid into 'better' 22.3 jobs-that have the better inside-inside pay schedule). Of course now, there are more FT package car drivers willing to bid 'down' to 22.3, if they're not willing to bid 'up' to feeder.

Caveat: my Local is technically a separate contract and not a party to the NMA, but the contract language was always identical, and I'm not aware of any differences of intent (during negotiations) or interpretation (grievance/arbitration).

Q: Is this a new position, or filling a vacancy? If it's a new job, that might explain why your center manager gave you an incorrect answer (without checking with Labor & Payroll and/or Finance). But to be honest, this position is probably at or near the bottom of his/her priorities.
@hondo thank you for your reply and experience advise on the matter. But no the position has been in place the 13yrs that I have been here but it has always been held by rpcd as you mentioned so it’s always been a pay cut for the ones that I have talked to. My other question would be I sort/load all of the nda after I close the customer counter, Shouldn’t that work be considered air work? And be payed my air wage for the time of the sort/loading of the nda?


Got the T-Shirt
Well I thought since my 22.3 bid is inside/air shuttle and 80% of my job is inside I would be classified under article 41 and be paid inside wage while I’m inside.


You bid an inside/outside air driving combo job, and are paid under Article 40.

@Eazy38: While I haven't reviewed the contract language (if it has changed over the last few contracts), it certainly used to be that the job, as you described it, does indeed fall under Article 40 as far as pay rate: FT Air Driver rate for driving & Inside work pay rate based on your PT seniority date.

Nothing has changed.

It's been in Article 40 since August 1, 1993.

"(friend) Employees who are in existing full-time combination jobs or who hereafter enter a full-time combination job shall be paid the appropriate full-time air rate for air driver work and appropriate inside part-time rate for the hours worked in other classifications."

My other question would be I sort/load all of the nda after I close the customer counter, Shouldn’t that work be considered air work? And be payed my air wage for the time of the sort/loading of the nda?


Sorting and loading.... is not air driving.

You should have talked with your BA first.

Very few inside management people would even have a clue, what your pay rates should be.



Well-Known Member
Well I thought since my 22.3 bid is inside/air shuttle and 80% of my job is inside I would be classified under article 41 and be paid inside wage while I’m inside. But since I run an air shuttle 2hrs of my day there saying I’m classified under article 40 and get my part time wage for all the inside work and air pay for the 2hr shuttle. And I filed a grievance and the labor guy told the business agent that I fall under article 40 and that was that! That’s why I feel as I’m being screwed we’re not talking about a dollar or two on the hr it’s a $15 an hr difference in pay!! I’m sure anyone would be upset after 4yrs on the job thinking your going to be toped out at $34 an hr and then told that’s incorrect after the center manager told me before I took the job that I would be payed a full time inside wage. I just came here looking for advice or to see if anyone els has gone through the same issue that’s all.
I told you @Eazy38


You bid an inside/outside air driving combo job, and are paid under Article 40.

Nothing has changed.

It's been in Article 40 since August 1, 1993.

"(friend) Employees who are in existing full-time combination jobs or who hereafter enter a full-time combination job shall be paid the appropriate full-time air rate for air driver work and appropriate inside part-time rate for the hours worked in other classifications."


Sorting and loading.... is not air driving.

You should have talked with your BA first.

Very few inside management people would even have a clue, what your pay rates should be.

Didn't like what I told him so he's going to keep asking till someone tells him what he wants to hear.


Well-Known Member
What if you were a bid air driver, went 22.3 inside/inside? Inside/inside job payrates are covered under Article 41.3. Would that rate carryover from air driving?



I have just been offered an Inside/Inside 22.3 position in NY state(Local 177). I have been with the company for 15 years(all part-time). Loader for the first 5, Air-Driver for the last 10. Any idea what my starting pay-rate would be for an Inside/Inside position? I read the Union book, but I'm still a bit confused. I started at $9.50 back in 2002.
Thanks for the help everyone! James
I couldn't imagine doing driving in New York. I met two dudes in my hub who are from New York and they are the toughest SOB's I ever met/talked to. Don't take any :censored2: and cuss enough to make a sailor blush.

Shift Inhibit

He who laughs last didn't get it.
Well I thought since my 22.3 bid is inside/air shuttle and 80% of my job is inside I would be classified under article 41 and be paid inside wage while I’m inside. But since I run an air shuttle 2hrs of my day there saying I’m classified under article 40 and get my part time wage for all the inside work and air pay for the 2hr shuttle. And I filed a grievance and the labor guy told the business agent that I fall under article 40 and that was that! That’s why I feel as I’m being screwed we’re not talking about a dollar or two on the hr it’s a $15 an hr difference in pay!! I’m sure anyone would be upset after 4yrs on the job thinking your going to be toped out at $34 an hr and then told that’s incorrect after the center manager told me before I took the job that I would be payed a full time inside wage. I just came here looking for advice or to see if anyone els has gone through the same issue that’s all.
Is your inside rate $34.12? And do you use a diad when you drive/shuttle?


New Member
I just took a 22.3 pre load/clerk job. I’m currently at 27.27. And am red circled at that rate for 4 years then shoot up to top rate of 34.12

This is because a new 22.3 inside job starts at 19 and progresses to 34.12 I’m over the 3rd year raise so I stay where I’m at till I catch up

Shift Inhibit

He who laughs last didn't get it.
I just took a 22.3 pre load/clerk job. I’m currently at 27.27. And am red circled at that rate for 4 years then shoot up to top rate of 34.12

This is because a new 22.3 inside job starts at 19 and progresses to 34.12 I’m over the 3rd year raise so I stay where I’m at till I catch up
Not a bad gig ! 👍🏼


Well-Known Member
I just took a 22.3 pre load/clerk job. I’m currently at 27.27. And am red circled at that rate for 4 years then shoot up to top rate of 34.12

This is because a new 22.3 inside job starts at 19 and progresses to 34.12 I’m over the 3rd year raise so I stay where I’m at till I catch up
Yes, you are red-circled for 4 years. After 4 years you'll get the top rate.