270 stops


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Dude I’d be passed out I run the 300 mile route in my building pretty often high seniority drive has the bid and takes off quite a bit and towards the end up the day I’m
Fighting to keep my eyes open.

Sometimes, but I'd take that anyday over city routes. I started this job later in life and the years of abuse from sports, chasing bad guys, and generally bad fitness habits have taken their toll. When I was a cover / swing driver I would literally get stressed and all worked up before going into the office hoping I wasn't on one of the city routes.
Sometimes, but I'd take that anyday over city routes. I started this job later in life and the years of abuse from sports, chasing bad guys, and generally bad fitness habits have taken their toll. When I was a cover / swing driver I would literally get stressed and all worked up before going into the office hoping I wasn't on one of the city routes.
What a big P*


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What a big P*
I know right!

Now I only get stressed trying to figure out if I really want the XL Diet Pepsi or the Lg Diet Pepsi before I head out to do those 3 stops that will take me 3 hours to do. Sometimes when it's really hot out, I convulse at the soda machine trying to decide just how much I will need for my three hour drive.

Lately though, I have to admit, I have been a little reckless and gotten the Lg instead. There were several moments when I feared that I would run out of drink before I got back. It was pulse pounding for sure!


I'm a star
270 stops yesterday 240 the day before. Give me some lube