737 MAX 8 and 9: Grounded


Engorged Member
Perhaps the MAX will go the same way as the A380 Nobody wants it......can't sell it at any price. Has a safety reputation so bad that like the DC10 it's sales number can no longer support it's continued production.

The DC10 went on to have an impressive career, although sales were hurt initially. Eventually, it became one of the safest planes in the sky. The cargo door issue was discovered during testing and the FAA didn't think it was a big deal until the Turkish Air plane went down. The 1979 American Airlines incident was due to poor maintenance practices, and not a flaw in the aircraft design.

Not sure what will happen with the MAX.


Engorged Member

Maybe. The article I read said they switched it off successfully and the crew inexplicably switched it back on. That isn't to say that it's possible the MCAS reactivated on it's own, but that would seem unlikely since switching it off cuts power to the system. They're getting close to publishing official findings and then we'll know for sure what happened.

It's curious that Boeing keeps saying "wait for the report".


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