a million dead americans less important than stock market


Well-Known Member
So you hear. Any proof? No, just conjecture. The facts are that you do wait longer for elective procedures with socialized medicine, but the care is quite good. I am related to a Vancouver, BC M.D. who actually knows the system, and he acknowledges longer wait times. My Canadian relatives love the health care they receive. If they want an elective procedure and don't want to wait, there is always the option of coming to the US or medical tourism in India. Few use those options. Anecdotal, but based on actual experiences, not a political agenda.

I also have relatives in France, who have zero complaints with their system. My BIL and SIL are both dual citizens, and they much prefer the French system.

I realize you have a narrative you need to push, but how about tossing-in some truth instead of hyperbole?

If anything, this crisis will preserve and hopefully, enhance the ACA and prevent the GOP from destroying it. The faults of our current system seem to be on full display.

$$$$ and ideology over health, van. You'll never learn. The Kool-Aid runs full strength through your veins.
Awhile back "60 Minutes" had a segment on rich nations raiding poorer nations for health workers. In particular they showed nurses in South Africa being lured to the U.K. for better pay. South Africa is popular for this because the nurses speak English. Why are they being lured? Because medical workers in the U.K quit over long hours and insufficient pay. It's not a political agenda to point out what's happening in other countries. And it's a known fact that the wealthy around the world come to the U.S. for fast, top-notch care. We obviously have issues here. But beware those touting socialized medicine as a panacea. Now if you can come up with an affordable system that meets the needs of most without eventually becoming substandard I'm all for it. The question is can you?


Well-Known Member
A real Canadian, Would you agree with my Vancouver MD relative and my other Canuck kin about being largely satisfied with their healthcare?
yea i use it alot, and so do my parents and friends. its like i said not a perfect system, likely not even the best in the world, but its better than america's and half as expensive like every other country.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
What is the difference between your pro life advocacy and growing belief by some including some who stated it stated publicly that those afflicted with COVID-19 should be left unattended and no attempt should be made to save simply because of their age? Is this the kind of life you pro-lifers want for the lives you claim to be seeking to save and the world you want them to be born into? Rationed healthcare due to diminishing resources and rationed according to age?

The planet's human population is project to increase from 7.5 billion currently to 9.9 billion by 2050.

Got any ideas about how we are to feed, clothe, house, educate and most importantly keep healthy another 2.5 billion people when COVID-19 is an in your face example of how we are already beginning to lose the public health battle ?

Is war, famine and disease you preferred way of doing it?

So if you pro lifers want to save the unborn then just what do you have in mind in the way of assuring their survival ? A twenty first century Lebensborn?
Kill anyone and everyone on their 80th birthday.
What do you think?
Wouldn't that work out the same with your reasoning?
Actually, it would be better. At the end of each year, we could look at the stats, and if we needed to lower the killing age to 78 or 79 to make sure we could feed, clothe, house, and educate the the world...you know, we could gage the killings as needed every year.
After all, it's about the economy stupid. smh
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Engorged Member
Awhile back "60 Minutes" had a segment on rich nations raiding poorer nations for health workers. In particular they showed nurses in South Africa being lured to the U.K. for better pay. South Africa is popular for this because the nurses speak English. Why are they being lured? Because medical workers in the U.K quit over long hours and insufficient pay. It's not a political agenda to point out what's happening in other countries. And it's a known fact that the wealthy around the world come to the U.S. for fast, top-notch care. We obviously have issues here. But beware those touting socialized medicine as a panacea. Now if you can come up with an affordable system that meets the needs of most without eventually becoming substandard I'm all for it. The question is can you?

I think we can do far better than what we have now.


Well-Known Member
Kill anyone and everyone on their 80th birthday.
What do you think?
Wouldn't that work out the same with your reasoning?
Actually, it would be better. At the end of each year, we could look at the stats, and if we needed to lower the killing age to 78 or 79 to make sure we could feed, clothe, house, and educate the the world...you know, we could gage the killings as needed every year.
After all, it's about the economy stupid. smh
So you found my post funny did you? So you tell me. Just where will we find enough arable land? Enough clean water? Enough sanitation? Enough healthcare facilities and healthcare providers? Enough affordable housing? Enough public schools and the means to fund them?
Open your eyes man. The global healthcare system is being overwhelmed. Yet you seem to think that the means to support another 2.5 billion people will somehow drop out of the sky like manna from heaven.
It's not a young person's problem. It's not an old person's problem . it's humanity's problem .....And it will get worse.
Shortly before he died Stephen Hawking said that it was his firm belief that the earth would only be able to support human life for another 600 years.

I would be surprised if we even make it that far.


Well-Known Member
And I hope we can. I just don't want to see a system where we have to pay a lot more for ultimately lower quality.
You don't have to worry about that pal. The way you seem to want to do things the end result will be is that you'll have two or three levels of healthcare. From the very best known treatments available at the top down to the most basic level at the bottom.
What you will receive will be based entirely on your ability to pay.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
What is the difference between your pro life advocacy and growing belief by some including some who stated it stated publicly that those afflicted with COVID-19 should be left unattended and no attempt should be made to save simply because of their age? Is this the kind of life you pro-lifers want for the lives you claim to be seeking to save and the world you want them to be born into? Rationed healthcare due to diminishing resources and rationed according to age?
Where did you hear this?
Oh! It's you!:glare:
Just making s:censored2:t as usual.



so ive seen 3 posts now from glen greenwald one quoting larry kudlow of the trump admin, 1 quoting cuomo, and one from the CEO of goldman sachs and it sounds like they are flirting with having people work anyways regardless of this virus.

unbelievable. a million americans will die for sure, and the hospitals will be overwhelmed. the corruption in america im sure is unmatched in the west.

The death rate is at 1.5% and is expected to be between 0.03-0.2% when it’s all said and done. Dangerous? Yes. Millions of Americans? No.

And again, you’re Canadian.


A real Canadian, Would you agree with my Vancouver MD relative and my other Canuck kin about being largely satisfied with their healthcare?
If America is so rough for you I’m sure your “Canuck kin” would gladly give you a place to shack up with them in the Great White North. I despised where I lived prior and moved. You could.....you know.....do the same if it’s THAT rough.


I'd rather take my chances with the virus than get :censored2:ed all over again. Finally found a worthwhile way to get back on my feet after the last face-:censored2:ing eleven years ago and now this? Probably safe to say I'm never retiring and gonna wind up working starter jobs well into my 40's but at least we saved some old :censored2:s who had less than ten years left anyway.

You gotta chill brah.


Retired 22 years
I'd rather take my chances with the virus than get :censored2:ed all over again. Finally found a worthwhile way to get back on my feet after the last face-:censored2:ing eleven years ago and now this? Probably safe to say I'm never retiring and gonna wind up working starter jobs well into my 40's but at least we saved some old :censored2:s who had less than ten years left anyway.
Damn it must really suck to be you. P.S. Thanks for saving me.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
So you found my post funny did you? So you tell me. Just where will we find enough arable land? Enough clean water? Enough sanitation? Enough healthcare facilities and healthcare providers? Enough affordable housing? Enough public schools and the means to fund them?
Open your eyes man. The global healthcare system is being overwhelmed. Yet you seem to think that the means to support another 2.5 billion people will somehow drop out of the sky like manna from heaven.
It's not a young person's problem. It's not an old person's problem . it's humanity's problem .....And it will get worse.
Shortly before he died Stephen Hawking said that it was his firm belief that the earth would only be able to support human life for another 600 years.

I would be surprised if we even make it that far.
Yes, I find your hypocritical, secular humanist positions funny.Even ridiculous. You set the example of what someone lives for and worries about who has nothing but what this world offers.
Open your eyes..if it's physical, it has a beginning and it has an end.
Yes, it will get worse. Humanity's problem? Well, we created the problem, and we have a responsibility to do what we can with what we have been given, but still it will get worse.

Hawking...Hawking..oh yeah...the guy who told us something can come from nothing.


"It's the economy stupid"

Your really think the country cares about it's citizens?" That is just about as laughable as UPS caring about their employees.

All the rich cats and military ( which really run things ) want is their worker bees working and paying taxes to keep their pockets full.

We are just peons . Throughout our history , anytime "they" want people to work they call something a "war" knowing full well that people's patriotism will have them rise up and support the cause. We have started so many wars.

You should read the book "War is a Racket " Follow the money. ALWAYS follow the GD money.

It's as simple as that.

What would US look like with no economy? I mean, you can’t scream let’s end poverty than scream they only care about money when they’re trying to save people’s livelihoods. But you seem to have everything figured out. Without an economy there is no BrownCafe for you to go whine to.


Can you please tell us where these million dead Americans are? Oh that’s right, planned parenthood.