A Tainted Election Equals A Tainted PE


Engorged Member
sounds like fdx is now writing for buzz feed. same type of delusions

Pissgate is just the tip of the iceberg. Why no taxes yet? Oh, and that divestment plan? It will go over like a lead balloon. Trump is the Hindenburg, Titanic, and Hiroshima all rolled into one orange ball.

God, this is going to be entertaining watching him commit ritualistic political suicide. The great thing is that he will eventually kill the Republican Party too.

Think the "unfair" press will be looking even harder? Oh, and what about FOX? Are they "unfair" too. What a whining little bitch who wants extra special treatment on everything. No rules or laws apply to Trump.


Well-Known Member
Don apparently likes to watch people pee. It does nothing for me. Defend him all you want...God, I hope it's true. Does he like sniffing asses too?

story has already been debunked. This one had a shorter life then most of your liberally trumped up hatchet jobs. Time to find another perversion


Engorged Member
story has already been debunked. This one had a shorter life then most of your liberally trumped up hatchet jobs. Time to find another perversion

It's only a "hatchet job" if it's against Trump. If it were any of his enemies, it would be "journalism".


Strength through joy
MrFedx , I have found the perfect new career for you.
Think about joining Microsoft’s Online Safety Team .
You'll get to watch the “most twisted” videos on the internet while looking for users who commit crimes.


Well-Known Member
Seems to me since he voted he should never ever complain about any election outcome since he helps to perpetuate the process.
Difference is, I've never complained and simply offered an opinion. Stupid to vote for someone or something if you don't fully support it.