Active thread - Zimmerman Not Guilty


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
I don't know. Look what everyone on BC is talking about. We have IRS, Benghazi, and other threads, but where is most of the discussion? Yours included, I might add. It's the "shiny thing" of the moment.
This is all the media focuses on. The families of those killed in the cases you mention, are hurting just as much as the Martin Family. The people affected by the IRS targeting them are still upset, and deserve justice, but no one wants to hear from them, because they were conservative. And the people targeted in the nsa probably don't know who they are. Obama and the administration keep dangling all kinds of shiny things to keep people focused elsewhere. They are very good at that. But none of it is forgotten. I doubt anything will ever be answered either.


golden ticket member
I don't know. Look what everyone on BC is talking about. We have IRS, Benghazi, and other threads, but where is most of the discussion? Yours included, I might add. It's the "shiny thing" of the moment.

There are posts dated today on those threads you mentioned......some people are able to multi-task !!


Staff member
This is all the media focuses on. The families of those killed in the cases you mention, are hurting just as much as the Martin Family. The people affected by the IRS targeting them are still upset, and deserve justice, but no one wants to hear from them, because they were conservative. And the people targeted in the nsa probably don't know who they are. Obama and the administration keep dangling all kinds of shiny things to keep people focused elsewhere. They are very good at that. But none of it is forgotten. I doubt anything will ever be answered either.

Fox is the most watched news network in the US. Clear Channel dominates the radio. Those not so liberal media outlets could drive those stories. But those stories don't serve their purposes right now. Those are Linda Tripp stories. They served their purpose and were dropped to move on to the next shiny thing. You are right. The families deserve better. But point the finger at the not so liberal media as well.


golden ticket member
Fox is the most watched news network in the US. Clear Channel dominates the radio. Those not so liberal media outlets could drive those stories. But those stories don't serve their purposes right now. Those are Linda Tripp stories. They served their purpose and were dropped to move on to the next shiny thing. You are right. The families deserve better. But point the finger at the not so liberal media as well.
Thank God for the 'not so liberal' media..........without it we'd all be stymied (that's not racist by the way !)


Well-Known Member
Fox is the most watched news network in the US. Clear Channel dominates the radio. Those not so liberal media outlets could drive those stories. But those stories don't serve their purposes right now. Those are Linda Tripp stories. They served their purpose and were dropped to move on to the next shiny thing. You are right. The families deserve better. But point the finger at the not so liberal media as well.

​What would be their purposes right now? As apposed to their purposes always?


It turned to race, bc when all else fails, and when I have been defeated, I will play the race card to get sympathy. All the while looking pathetic. It would almost be better that Zimmerman was white, then all the racist people in this world wouldn't look so ignorant.


Staff member
It turned to race, bc when all else fails, and when I have been defeated, I will play the race card to get sympathy. All the while looking pathetic. It would almost be better that Zimmerman was white, then all the racist people in this world wouldn't look so ignorant.
You don't have to engage on the topic. You could choose to discuss the Republican alternative to the Senate bipartisin immigration bill or even Benghazi or gas prices. Again, not the shiny objects of the day.


Well-Known Member
How about a THIRD main reason for poverty........

a sense of entitlement instilled by generations of people convinced that 1) they are owed something by society and 2) someone will take care of them. They aren't quite sure who that "someone" is but someone will take care of them.


It is not just the "sense" of entitlement ---it has become a "lifestyle". The government has enabled people to "feed" off of society.

People will say --are we just going to let them starve ? NO. Big but coming --BUT this cannot be a permanent way of life passed down from generation to generation.

Able bodied people should be required to work for Food, Phones, Housing, whatever. Making people lazy and letting them just exist in life --while they can vote --and the power hungry politicians --just keep adding the bennies---Phones --etc, etc.

Many people do not see the lazy and the abuse --only believe they are such good people to help the needy!!! Educate yourself, apply yourself, discipline yourself--work harder and longer --you will be successful only to hear ----You do not pay your fair share or --how come their doing so well --must have cheated or abused others ????? Sad but true. :dissapointed:


Pees in the brown Koolaid
It's not about winners and losers. It's about a large percentage of the country that is not in agreement with laws that seem to make it ridiculously easy to kill based on ones own fear. That's a very low bar.

That same large percentage of the country would agree with the laws if they were the ones being attacked and having to defend themselves.

Its very easy to play armchair quarterback when it comes to judging someone else's split-second decision to use lethal force to save their own life. The bottom line is that I'd still rather stick with what we have, which is the presumption of innocence unless proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt, even if it means that someone like Zimmerman who is guilty of being an idiot goes free.

This case was never about race until the media made it that way. If Zimmerman and Trayvon had both been the same color, it would have been plea-bargained out almost a year ago and good for nothing more than a paragraph or two in the local paper. Same thing with the fact that a gun was used; had Zimmerman employed a knife or a bat the amount of media attention given to the case would have been negligible even if the final outcome was no different.


Staff member
That same large percentage of the country would agree with the laws if they were the ones being attacked and having to defend themselves.

Its very easy to play armchair quarterback when it comes to judging someone else's split-second decision to use lethal force to save their own life. The bottom line is that I'd still rather stick with what we have, which is the presumption of innocence unless proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt, even if it means that someone like Zimmerman who is guilty of being an idiot goes free.

This case was never about race until the media made it that way. If Zimmerman and Trayvon had both been the same color, it would have been plea-bargained out almost a year ago and good for nothing more than a paragraph or two in the local paper. Same thing with the fact that a gun was used; had Zimmerman employed a knife or a bat the amount of media attention given to the case would have been negligible even if the final outcome was no different.
But the law is not about "defend". It is about "fear". That is a problem.