Adam Schiff


Well-Known Member
Not mad. Just sad you can't figure it out, fren. Maybe Pepe can fill you in. Trumptardation isn't terminal, so there is hope. I'll pray for you.


Well-Known Member
Missed the point, once again.

Oh I know what the point is, I'm just regurgitating what Rush and others say. Mindless rube who can't think for himself. Must be terrible knowing I've got a vote just like you do. And I'm casting it for a guy who gets things done, not for people who talk big just to get the power. Or who would spend us into oblivion.


Well-Known Member
Oh I know what the point is, I'm just regurgitating what Rush and others say. Mindless rube who can't think for himself. Must be terrible knowing I've got a vote just like you do. And I'm casting it for a guy who gets things done, not for people who talk big just to get the power. Or who would spend us into oblivion.

Uh, no, that wasn't my point at all.

Your vote is just as important as my vote, no matter what you or I listen to or watch.

Settle down.


Inordinately Right
You see the word 'ovulation' and immediately go toward the concept of 'inverting vaginas'?

I don't even know what that means.

Your wife thinks you're a treat, I'm sure.
Democrats want citizens to pay for illegal immigrant sex changes. Prove me wrong you pathetic cuckold. You can't you little bitch. LMFAO.