Added my girlfriend


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If you add the girlfriend to Teamcare will said girlfriend come on here and whine about the coverage?
I'm not gonna whine about the coverage but I would like to say that I am a little perturbed spending 35 minutes trying to get through to customer service.


Well-Known Member
With you dude.

Let me preface this with I have no problem with gay marriage and gays in general but with that being said . . .

Was blown away when I filled out FMLA forms for the wife's last pregnancy. I, being hetero, could only take FMLA for my spouse.

But the section for gays said all they had to do was sign under a paragraph that basically said, I live with this person an I don't want to live with anyone else.


Now I know they can't legally marry in most of the country (or less now lot really keeping track) but one would think a little more than "I like to cohabitate with this person" should be required. Maybe a power of attorney, or a living will or something!
Not sure what you are saying here? According to what you wrote, you filled out the FMLA papers and you were granted leave. What else would you want?


When your bank says no, champion says YES
Not being married I doubt you can. What would stop every Tom ,Dick and Mary from wanting their bff covered under their insurance even if they weren't in a serious relationship?
i agree, I would imagine that if they didn't require marriage you'd have people putting just about anyone on their policies, which would probably lead to a maze of fraud and/or numerous changes to people's policies, probably the last thing insurance companies would want.....but I hear ya about the gay/lesbian "domestic partner" situation, don't know for sure how it works it sounds odd and unfair if indeed all it requires is a signature, I'm surprised there isn't regulations on gay/lesbian domestic partner verification....or is there?

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Most Help Needed
I think you missed the point bro. You can marry your girlfriend in any state while same sex couples cannot. You think that's fair?

I didn't miss the point friend. I in fact made a post to that not being fair.

I just don't like how one group is held to a higher standard than another, but that's ok because in my case I am white hetero male and we all know I can't be discriminated against.

I think this whole thing about domestic partnership opens a whole new can of worms.

Let 'em marry so we can stop insuring anyone's "friend."


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
Do heteros break up more than same sex couples? Do same sex couple always stay together? Yes I believe they should be allowed to unite in a ceremony that gives them all the benefits of hetero marriage, and all the baggage of a break up. A co worker of mine just passed away, after 34 yrs with her girl. Kathy gets nothing, I think thats wrong. Some kind of legal transaction has to take place to correct this. No one should be able to add a gf, bf, it needs to be some kind of committed relationship, that gives them rights to coverage.
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Staff member
And that....what a bunch of :censored2:. I can't insure my girlfriend because I'm heterosexual, but the gays get special privileges.
So go get a boyfriend and put him on the insurance just to get even. Not like they're going to ask for video proof...are they? Even if they do, maybe it's worth it just to get equality. Nothing to risqué mind you. They pulled it off (figuratively) on Always Sunny in Philadelphia. Bet you could do it.