"I either DR my business stops or they get missed...
Who needs a signature? Ask my manager!"
ANd that is why customers like me get corrections charged to my bill. I send out a shipment going to a business and YOU decide that you will DR the package? And then hide behind your manager because you dont have the balls to stand up against something that is wrong?
Some drivers just like taking the easy way out.
HEy stupid. Do the right thing. IF there is no one around to sign for the packages, use signed delivery notice. Then in the clarification screen type in SOF. That stands for signature on file.
That way I get what I pay for and dont get charged extra, and you are covered should a claim arise.
I have 40-50 of these on file for my customers, and one of the largest gets 20-120 a day, each day. Havent had a signature on any but the ones that had to have it.