Air Travel Boorish Behavior In The News

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
This is one of the reasons I’ll never wear shorts on a plane. I also bring my own blanket and pillow. No way am I exposing myself to the whatever people like this might have.


Strength through joy
I think I know why there is a noticeable increase in the amount of Airplane disruption by passengers.
The Federal Air Marshal Service no longer has their officer onboard the planes.
Instead these officers are now following a new "Quiet Skies" program which uses them to follow anyone who was in or near Washington DC on J6.
That includes people who were there for other reasons than Trump's speech; a job interview, meeting family/friends, and one unlucky guy who was attending a funeral.
Interesting how the Biden's Administration has declared that US citizens warrant this level of scrutiny.
Yet, illegal migrants crossing our borders don't.