It happens from time to time that we have addresses we will not deliver to. Almost without exception these people are nut-jobs who have some problem with UPS, either a package of theirs was lost, or a driver ran over a sprinkler head, and they become insane about it. Many of them have threatened their drivers, some have waived guns or contacted the drivers at home with screaming insults or outright threats of violence. A few right off the top of my head include a man who threatened to kill a driver and an OMS after his NDA letter was left in his screen door without a signature (it didn't require one.) Another a driver was hit in the face by a disturbed family member of a daily pick up. Another is a woman who stalked a driver for several years, following him on route and confronting his wife.
Also, if a customer calls us and rants that he doesn't want us there again, we have no obligation or desire to go back.
Their packages are either held for will call or returned as undeliverable, depending on the situation. We have the right to refuse service to anyone. I would never ask a driver to go somewhere they felt unsafe. The headline "UPS Driver shot to death over Omaha Steaks" isn't too hard to imagine, unfortunately.