Am I going bald?


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
Hello everyone, new driver here. I been driving for UPS for 6 months. But I've been worried that I'm losing my hair due to all the stress of dealing with the SPORH that management is holding me to.....

Anyone else here lose their hair due to stress?
It must suck to lose your hair. Pure genetic lottery. Right now I'm in need of a haircut and my salon is under shutdown! Talk about stress!


Fugitive From Reality
You get what you pay for with a stylist. A good cut might take 20-30 minutes.
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Poop Head

Judge me.
You crazy. Us beautiful, follicular genetically gifted people live in a different hair universe.
Its like our civic duty to keep it trimmed and proper. Last time i buzzed my hair off, i got ALOT wierd/disappointed looks from people. I heard one girl on my route tried to off herself because of it.