America the Beautiful


Well-Known Member
That’s just how you view self defense. Suggesting america defends it’s interests and moves against it’s enemies is being a war monger. Guess what fren, the real war mongers are the terrorists in Afghanistan, I haven’t seen them declare jihad against the west is done. Maybe you got a link showing they are committed to peace? Blowing up service members while we surrendered kind of showed what they feel.
And 20 years later we accomplished nothing but got our people killed.


Well-Known Member
Didn't need our air support with the numbers they had and US military equipment. The Afghan army simply had no balls to fight for their country.
Yet they lost close to 70,000 fighting. Had we kept air support in place they would have an advantage the Taliban didn't have. Without it they folded.


Well-Known Member
You’re such a pusillanimous, guess what China is on the move, they are expanding their influence, Afghanistan could of been a vital asset to resisting them in the region. Joe turned over 20 years of military building over there for absolutely nothing and the war isn’t even over, he just handed our enemies billions to kill us with in the future.
So you're expecting them to land on our shores armed to the teeth and causing mayhem?


Well-Known Member
Strange takeaway. No.
I'm just trying to understand why the constant attacks on Trump when it's painfully clear that he was a far superior president to what we have now. It's like you lose your card carrying credentials with the Democrats if you miss an opportunity to throw in a slam on Trump when commenting on current conditions. Makes me wonder if 20 years from now we have another idiot in the White House will Democrats say "well at least he's not Trump?" Of course Republicans have been saying similar about Carter for decades but Carter and Biden have one thing in common: incompetence.

PT Stewie

"Big Fella"
I'm just trying to understand why the constant attacks on Trump when it's painfully clear that he was a far superior president to what we have now. It's like you lose your card carrying credentials with the Democrats if you miss an opportunity to throw in a slam on Trump when commenting on current conditions. Makes me wonder if 20 years from now we have another idiot in the White House will Democrats say "well at least he's not Trump?" Of course Republicans have been saying similar about Carter for decades but Carter and Biden have one thing in common: incompetence.
We are in the here and now and as I keep saying the man in the white house is a blithering idiot.

El Correcto

god is dead
My favorite line form y’all isolationist is how much money we will save and how it’ll help stop our decline. Money for the border walls, etc.

That money is going to be pissed away regardless. Instead of being spent to expand freedoms for human beings and kill our enemies, it’s going to be spent creating wards of the government, people like @Netsua 3:16 daddy. Voters indebted to the lies of the democrat party and the destruction of America. I’d rather see it pissed away on afganis doing something useful, killing those who would see us dead, than being used to wage a war against us at home.

Netsua 3:16

My favorite line form y’all isolationist is how much money we will save and how it’ll help stop our decline. Money for the border walls, etc.

That money is going to be pissed away regardless. Instead of being spent to expand freedoms for human beings and kill our enemies, it’s going to be spent creating wards of the government, people like @Netsua 3:16 daddy. Voters indebted to the lies of the democrat party and the destruction of America. I’d rather see it pissed away on afganis doing something useful, killing those who would see us dead, than being used to wage a war against us at home.
You should write a book with all this insight 😂


Inordinately Right
My favorite line form y’all isolationist is how much money we will save and how it’ll help stop our decline. Money for the border walls, etc.

That money is going to be pissed away regardless. Instead of being spent to expand freedoms for human beings and kill our enemies, it’s going to be spent creating wards of the government, people like @Netsua 3:16 daddy. Voters indebted to the lies of the democrat party and the destruction of America. I’d rather see it pissed away on afganis doing something useful, killing those who would see us dead, than being used to wage a war against us at home.
Ya I found it odd Biden's speech mentioned that 20 years in Afghanistan cost 2 trillion, meanwhile he's blown more than that in less than a year and is proposing we triple it.


I'm a star
My favorite line form y’all isolationist is how much money we will save and how it’ll help stop our decline. Money for the border walls, etc.

That money is going to be pissed away regardless. Instead of being spent to expand freedoms for human beings and kill our enemies, it’s going to be spent creating wards of the government, people like @Netsua 3:16 daddy. Voters indebted to the lies of the democrat party and the destruction of America. I’d rather see it pissed away on afganis doing something useful, killing those who would see us dead, than being used to wage a war against us at home.

The problem is we could have wiped of the Taliban within a couple years if we wanted to. That's not why were there, though.


Well-Known Member
You are naive if you think america won’t end up back over there.
True, it'll be another opportunity to install a corrupt government and stay decades, enriching defense contractors and campaign coffers while getting troops killed for nothing. That'll show'em!!


Well-Known Member
My favorite line form y’all isolationist is how much money we will save and how it’ll help stop our decline. Money for the border walls, etc.

That money is going to be pissed away regardless. Instead of being spent to expand freedoms for human beings and kill our enemies, it’s going to be spent creating wards of the government, people like @Netsua 3:16 daddy. Voters indebted to the lies of the democrat party and the destruction of America. I’d rather see it pissed away on afganis doing something useful, killing those who would see us dead, than being used to wage a war against us at home.
We need to be saving money on a lot of things. I don't want to see money pissed away on anything, especially where it gets people killed for no good reason.

El Correcto

god is dead
True, it'll be another opportunity to install a corrupt government and stay decades, enriching defense contractors and campaign coffers while getting troops killed for nothing. That'll show'em!!
Wars don’t end just because Americans vote for them to. What kind of idiocy am I reading right now. The taliban are not our allies and will not end terrorism in Afghanistan.


Well-Known Member
im not sure how right you are, but i would say its people wanting more democracy vs people wanting less democracy so its pretty close to what ur saying. the people who want less democracy are the people who put out propaganda to get voters to vote for corrupt candidates like clinton, biden, etc and then get people to do nothing politically every 2 years.

getting sections of the public to go after immigrants or other people with little to no power is divide and conquer.

america got rid of kings, but now you have rule by corporations which is pretty similar.
Its not divide and conquer. People believe that stuff. They don't want them to be apart of them and they want a policy agenda that focusses on punishing or limiting those people. They see that as in their best interest as they understand it.