And we blame the kids


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
Just heard a parent say exactly this.

"I understand why you want to look and touch that. You are not in trouble but please do not do that again. I know you feel the need to explore and again you're not in trouble but please don't do that."

Guess what the kid kept doing?

A parent doesn't need to reason with a small child. A simple stop it or knock it off should do.

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
Just heard a parent say exactly this.

"I understand why you want to look and touch that. You are not in trouble but please do not do that again. I know you feel the need to explore and again you're not in trouble but please don't do that."

Guess what the kid kept doing?

A parent doesn't need to reason with a small child. A simple stop it or knock it off should do.

I agree with you to a point. But, kids are different in the same family and what works for one, might not work for the other. Case in point, spanking and the threat of it worked for my oldest. She turned out great.

My youngest on the other hand was very strong willed and very curious, and spanking only made her angry. So after constantly telling her no and spanking her, I realized it wasn't working. I started praising her ad nauseum when she did what I wanted her to and explained to her why the other things were a bad idea. I also redirected her attention to something that I would tell her was a much better idea. But I was always insistent. Spankings after that were saved for defiance. Today, she is an awesome well-behaved teenager.


Just heard a parent say exactly this.

"I understand why you want to look and touch that. You are not in trouble but please do not do that again. I know you feel the need to explore and again you're not in trouble but please don't do that."

Guess what the kid kept doing?

A parent doesn't need to reason with a small child. A simple stop it or knock it off should do.
Just curious, do you have children?

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
Touching something they shouldn't be.

I love when people try to reason with young children, their minds are not developed enough to understand, and trying to rationalize with them makes you look dumb

I beg to differ. Some kids are very intelligent and can have intelligent conversations. And some are as dumb as a box of rocks.


1 on the way. Every one of my friends won't take their kids into public."they just don't know how to act"

Bull :censored2: they are embarrassed of how they act and refuse to be stern enough to change the behavior.
Well congrats and be prepared to throw everything you think you know out the window. One thing you'll learn really fast is that kids are a lot smarter than you think they are.


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
Well congrats and be prepared to throw everything you think you know out the window. One thing you'll learn really fast is that kids are a lot smarter than you think they are.
Yeah. I can total appreciate the fact that it's a 24 hour 7 day a week job. You can't parent good for 12 hours of the day and expect great things.

I also think a United consistent front from mother and father is most important


Well-Known Troll
I beg to differ. Some kids are very intelligent and can have intelligent conversations. And some are as dumb as a box of rocks.

Kids under 3 can be reasoned with?? Methinks not.

My wife had a friend, who MANY years ago tried to have a rational conversation with a guy who was drunk off his ass. When you attempt to engage in conversation with someone unable to go back and forth with you, YOU look stupid, not them.


New Member
Nothings better then the "expert parents". My kids turned out just fine but I sure made some mistakes along the way. At the end of the day I just taught them right from wrong, work hard, and be honest. All the bs in between is irrelevant in my opinion.

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
Kids under 3 can be reasoned with?? Methinks not.

My wife had a friend, who MANY years ago tried to have a rational conversation with a guy who was drunk off his ass. When you attempt to engage in conversation with someone unable to go back and forth with you, YOU look stupid, not them.

I guess your kids are much different than mine, because mine could. Was it like having an adult conversation? No. But they definitely could be reasoned with.


Well-Known Troll
I guess your kids are much different than mine, because mine could. Was it like having an adult conversation? No. But they definitely could be reasoned with.

My daughter is 8 months old, so it's not an issue here, yet. However, she'll be told to stop, and if she doesn't, depending on how bad she's being, will get a smack on the butt.