Another industry to be swallowed by technology


Well-Known Member
There are persons still needed to monitor the robots and load the products into trailers or train cars.
I believe you are wrong about that, but even if you are correct, I don't think 'robot watcher' is going to pay very well.

Build them, or program them. Failing that, learn how to repair them until replacement robots are too inexpensive to bother repair repairing.

There's always that coal mine job that's coming back, so we got that going for us.


Well-Known Member
I'm waiting for the day when they say all this organic or gluten free stuff is bad for your health.
It seems like everything started saying gluten free overnight. Gigantic ripoff on organic. They put less stuff on the veggies, but charge you more ..... what a scam!
What this have to do about a video of a 3D printer, which makes walls?
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