Another peak over


Well-Known Member
All down hill from here. Tomorrow may still be heavy for some.
Most part.....another peak down.



Retired 23 years
Wdfd....layoffs in package while they do crazy hiring in feeders....sounds about right
So I posted awhile back about a third of the drivers being laid off when I worked and was instantly reminded by several here that its a different UPS now and there wouldn’t be any of that. Is it or isn’t it?


Marty Peters kid
So I posted awhile back about a third of the drivers being laid off when I worked and was instantly reminded by several here that its a different UPS now and there wouldn’t be any of that. Is it or isn’t it?
Same ol’ same ol’....


Gone Fish'n
Huh? Our start time in Roswell was 9:55, we didn’t leave the building till 11, then there’s crap left in the building, plus is raining which means golf cart helpers will quit. This place is barely holding on, I predict massive missed pieces today.


Retired 23 years
Huh? Our start time in Roswell was 9:55, we didn’t leave the building till 11, then there’s crap left in the building, plus is raining which means golf cart helpers will quit. This place is barely holding on, I predict massive missed pieces today.
And then there are those pesky space ailiens


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
So I posted awhile back about a third of the drivers being laid off when I worked and was instantly reminded by several here that its a different UPS now and there wouldn’t be any of that. Is it or isn’t it?
You said early January. We told you January is very heavy for us now and it is.