Anyone work for a ground contractor in West Palm Beach?


Well-Known Member
If you are thinking that $625 a week is acceptable, first ask if that is based on a 40 hour week, or would be expected to work more than 40. Remember no benefits, no paid holidays, no sick days. If $625 a week is okay for 40 hours, what about 50-60? I had rural routes that took 10 hours regularly, and as many as 14 during peak. It didn't make sense to send two vehicles, but I made sure that I paid extra, and/or gave the driver a day off. It is illegal to pay less than minimum wage and no overtime after 40 hours. But if you pay by the day, at $11 an hour, an 11 hour day would be about the $125. So instead of a $15+ an hour, you could be looking at an $11 an hour job in reality. Some drivers need to load their own trucks- and some owners don't want to count that.


Well-Known Member
Paid holiday,paid 1 week vacation and sick days are the least thing a contractor can offer.
But you're kid falls off his bike and breaks his arm or you're up all night with an appendix that wants to check out or your wife is in agony and needs an hysterectomy with no health insurance who's going to pay for that? You're going through something like this while Ground is making record profits and it's managers and executives are raking it as well.


Health insurance is something I plan to offer to my guys in the near future with 50/50 share premium. You can’t compare ups to fdx. You can only offer what’s best for your own company.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Can they opt out in exchange for a bump in pay?
You need a certain percentage of employees to accept coverage to maintain the group. If they're covered by their spouse they don't count against the percentage. So only a couple guys could opt out depending on how many eligible employees there are.


Well-Known Member
Most will do just that ^

Portion will go into tax etc it will never be enough

But I pay my guys top dollar.
No doubt many will while wrongly believing that they can just walk into the hospital for a $100,000 procedure (and that's nothing these days) then just walk out and stiff the hospital for the bill. That type of socially irresponsible behavior isn't tolerated anymore.