Back to the UPS underwears.


golden ticket member
"Either that, or it just meant you strained to much to pick up that heavy package.. lol

That 'Depends' !!


Well-Known Member
I can't believe that someone would be that "eaten up" with it that they would even worry about company approved underwear.
But then this same person probably sits outside the fence on the weekends hoping to catch a glimpse of their package car.


Yes there are brown under wear. If you mean T-shirts, as for briefs or boxers I have never seen any UPS approved fruit of the loom bloomers. I suspect if there where any UPS butt-huggers they would have to be reinforced in the package area. Any driver going commando with shorts on risks breakin a MAN LAW(right diadlover) and no one wants to see that except fans of JACKASS movies.:ohmy:
P.S.(except of course female drivers)


Least Best Moderator
Staff member
This is a little off topic, but these threads often go that way. About fifteen years ago, I wore some silk boxers to work one day. I was turning my P500 around in a cul-de-sac, and I slid out of my seat, even though my seatbelt was on. My right foot got jammed up where the gas pedal is, and the engine was stuck wide open. Luckily, I thought to turn the key off to kill the motor, and I managed to stop and not hit anything. That would have been one of those embarrassing phone calls I would have had to make back to the Center! Its been cotton ever since........:thumbup1:


golden ticket member
Scratch....cotton breathes better anyway. Now you know what women go through with silk pajamas on silk sheets!


Least Best Moderator
Staff member
Scratch....cotton breathes better anyway. Now you know what women go through with silk pajamas on silk sheets!

Ha More!, That gave me a mental picture of someone jumping into bed too fast and sliding off the other side!:wink:


Well-Known Member
This is a little off topic, but these threads often go that way. About fifteen years ago, I wore some silk boxers to work one day. I was turning my P500 around in a cul-de-sac, and I slid out of my seat, even though my seatbelt was on. My right foot got jammed up where the gas pedal is, and the engine was stuck wide open. Luckily, I thought to turn the key off to kill the motor, and I managed to stop and not hit anything. That would have been one of those embarrassing phone calls I would have had to make back to the Center! Its been cotton ever since........:thumbup1:

Uh Scratch, you're supposed to wear the undies underneath your browns:w00t::w00t: