I don't think so, you have to create your own brown underwear.. lol
If you do create your own brown undies while on a route, you might think about changing careers.
Either that, or it just meant you strained to much to pick up that heavy package.. lol
So are the pants.
Are we required to wear underwear?Are there really UPS underwears for drivers to wear or not.
Scratch....cotton breathes better anyway. Now you know what women go through with silk pajamas on silk sheets!
This is a little off topic, but these threads often go that way. About fifteen years ago, I wore some silk boxers to work one day. I was turning my P500 around in a cul-de-sac, and I slid out of my seat, even though my seatbelt was on. My right foot got jammed up where the gas pedal is, and the engine was stuck wide open. Luckily, I thought to turn the key off to kill the motor, and I managed to stop and not hit anything. That would have been one of those embarrassing phone calls I would have had to make back to the Center! Its been cotton ever since........
Uh Scratch, you're supposed to wear the undies underneath your browns