Biden signs executive order mandating vaccination.


Never bought my own handtruck
In the middle of a smallpox outbreak too. On George Washingtons orders they grabbed an infected person and stabbed one of his sores and used that to infect his whole army.

See, even back then they knew natural infections granted lifelong immunity.

And how many genders there were!
Forced inoculation either way you slice it. So which is it? Are you anti vaccine or anti mandated inoculation? You seem to be confused.


Got the T-Shirt
"A competent person has a liberty interest under the Due Process Clause in refusing unwanted medical treatment."

- Chief Justice Rehnquist -

Cruzan v. Director, Missouri Dept. of Health, 497 U.S. 261 (1990)


Well-Known Member
that is where we are heading. Nothing but gaslighting from the mental midgets in here and from their leaders. Gaslighting as they constantly up and up the ante. “No one can make you take the shot” becomes “its mandatory, it’s for our safety” over night.
Overnight...I believe that happend the first Thursday of November '20.


Well-Known Member
“We’ve been patient, but our patience is wearing thin, and your refusal has cost all of us,” Biden said in a speech. “This is not about freedom, or personal choice. It’s about protecting yourself and those around you.”

"....OUR patience...YOUR refusal...."

Never forget this line from Bidens' OSHA mandate announcement.


Well-Known Member
It’s funny because it was my father during the post 9/11 era who told me to not trust the media. Now he’s hook line and sinker for it all. Total Branch Covidian.
@BigGuy2732 That made me laugh. Out loud. Although I'm guessing less than half this group's membership remember Waco and David Kuresh. I will be using the term Branch Covidian!


Well-Known Member
What happened in Waco was a tragedy and those were innocent people, but they were definitely in a nutty cult! Unfortunately for the ATF, being in a cult and not causing problems doesn’t warrant firebombing children, as much as the ATF chomps at the bit to murder kids.


Well-Known Member
Forced inoculation either way you slice it. So which is it? Are you anti vaccine or anti mandated inoculation? You seem to be confused.
Are you comparing smallpox, an actual deadly virus that killed 30% of infected people, to this garden variety flu that couldnt kill my grandma unless she was also a morbidly obese smoker?


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
What happened in Waco was a tragedy and those were innocent people, but they were definitely in a nutty cult! Unfortunately for the ATF, being in a cult and not causing problems doesn’t warrant firebombing children, as much as the ATF chomps at the bit to murder kids.
They prefer unarmed women and children


Well-Known Member
The Chinese used to grind the scabs of small pox sufferers into powder and ingest that to create an immune response. But pharma can't make billions off scabs. UPS, though...
Studies show natural infection provides a 16fold greater immune protection than the jab too.

Should just have covid parties like chickenpox parties back in the day. Have some horsepaste around just in case it turns out someone was hiv positive and didnt know

Ez 2 weeks off and we save AOC’s abuella. Win win