Bumped off bidded route


Well-Known Member
Wow East Coast Navy no one should be working on there scheduled vacation since it violates Article 59 Section 6 in Local 177 of the Local Agreement between the Union and the Company. I am surprised you didn't know this especially since you are such a strong advocate fir changing Article 45 from classification seniority to company seniority.
Wow East Coast Navy no one should be working on there scheduled vacation since it violates Article 59 Section 6 in Local 177 of the Local Agreement between the Union and the Company. I am surprised you didn't know this especially since you are such a strong advocate fir changing Article 45 from classification seniority to company seniority.
Unless its managements discretion you can... I did before... Sorry for not putting that in the post... The point was if I came in and management knew and they were ok with it, I could do my route... Some one could file and the manager would say you can't work... Don't worry rama'nfeeders... I got this.


Well-Known Member
Obviously you don't because it affects the Health care. If you were aware of you health care its paid on a weekly basis as per your punch in so when you have a vacation there should be no punch in since you have a scheduled vacation. That's why if you don't have any sick days, anniversary day, option days, election day or vacation weeks and you don't have a punch in you don't get health care the following week. So, thank you for being honest that you violate Article 59 section 6 when you come in on a scheduled vacation week. So you take work away from a union member in Local 177 who could contribute to the pension and the health care if management sends anyone home when you come to work on there vacation. That's right you are about seniority and the democratic way, but meanwhile you violate the contract and even admit here on Browncafe.com.
Obviously you don't because it affects the Health care. If you were aware of you health care its paid on a weekly basis as per your punch in so when you have a vacation there should be no punch in since you have a scheduled vacation. That's why if you don't have any sick days, anniversary day, option days, election day or vacation weeks and you don't have a punch in you don't get health care the following week. So, thank you for being honest that you violate Article 59 section 6 when you come in on a scheduled vacation week. So you take work away from a union member in Local 177 who could contribute to the pension and the health care if management sends anyone home when you come to work on there vacation. That's right you are about seniority and the democratic way, but meanwhile you violate the contract and even admit here on Browncafe.com.
If I punch in for one minute in the whole week, then you are covered for that week... So if you work for the week on you vacation it doesn't effect the healthcare... you will still get it for that week... The problem was in the old contract you could work one two five days on your vacation and the vacation would cover the pension credit... Now it doesn't... So now you have to work the full week...

As for working on my vacation... If I cashed in a vacation it would be taxed up to %40... So the union didn't say much if we worked on our vacation... As long as everyone was ok with it... When I did it, it was before this contract...

Sometimes when you are a stew you have to make things work for all you members and make sure to work with management (If they are willing to work with you)... If the management team isn't willing to work with you then you blast them with everything you got... Also the main goal is to do your best that no one gets walked off the property...


Well-Known Member
So you are a steward? Is that correct? We are under the current contract and Article 59 section 6 says no one is to work on there scheduled vacation week. So amazing you are a steward that violates the contract, but you talk about being a union member, seniority, and democracy. ......wow you a complete selfish scab who should be voted out as a steward!
So you are a steward? Is that correct? We are under the current contract and Article 59 section 6 says no one is to work on there scheduled vacation week. So amazing you are a steward that violates the contract, but you talk about being a union member, seniority, and democracy. ......wow you a complete selfish scab who should be voted out as a steward!
I don't have to explain crap to you about Union biz... As for you, I can tell you have never been a stew and never will!

Good luck on getting the language to stay the same...


Well-Known Member
Well pal I was a steward for 7 years, but I had to resign due to my wife being diagnosed with breast cancer. I hope you or anyone else doesn't have to experience what my family did.


Well-Known Member
As far as language I do comprehend it. Maybe you do, but you admit you violate the contract and make deals with management. A true flop flopper.
So you are a steward? Is that correct? We are under the current contract and Article 59 section 6 says no one is to work on there scheduled vacation week. So amazing you are a steward that violates the contract, but you talk about being a union member, seniority, and democracy. ......wow you a complete selfish scab who should be voted out as a steward!
Depends on what your local supplement says
We are allowed to "sell back" up to two weeks,if you have four or more weeks.


Well-Known Member
You can sell 2 weeks plus your option when you float it. Article 59 Section 6 in Local 177 states: No work Shall be performed by the employee for the Company during there scheduled vacation. So if East Coast Navy comes into work on a scheduled vacation week he is taking away work from a cover driver if anybody is sent home that day. So he is taking away a drivers opportunity to make money, earn pension credits and have money put onto the pension fund. Plain and simple you shouldn't be working on your scheduled week off.
You can sell 2 weeks plus your option when you float it. Article 59 Section 6 in Local 177 states: No work Shall be performed by the employee for the Company during there scheduled vacation. So if East Coast Navy comes into work on a scheduled vacation week he is taking away work from a cover driver if anybody is sent home that day. So he is taking away a drivers opportunity to make money, earn pension credits and have money put onto the pension fund. Plain and simple you shouldn't be working on your scheduled week off.
Well you definitely can't displace another worker. But being in package we have many that would gladly take a dead day if you wanted to work for them.
No one should take the over we all need to wirk to contribute towards our pension and health care.
Every full time worker in local 177 is entitled to 8 hours of pay when they show up... So no is go to be sent home for someone coming in on there vacation... So more money is going into pension and healthcare... Give a rest....


Well-Known Member
But drivers do take the overs and you shouldn't be coming in on your scheduled vacation especially being a steward. So when you show up and your manager let's you work that's one less person he needs. Stay home on your vacation and stop violating Article 59 section 6 of the Local agreement. I love how you avoid this in any if your posts. I think it's time for you to go make a deal with management you again!
But drivers do take the overs and you shouldn't be coming in on your scheduled vacation especially being a steward. So when you show up and your manager let's you work that's one less person he needs. Stay home on your vacation and stop violating Article 59 section 6 of the Local agreement. I love how you avoid this in any if your posts. I think it's time for you to go make a deal with management you again!
When I worked the week, no one went home... So more went into the pension... I bet you are one of those guys that think it's ok to have a 50,000 buy again with the pension or lower the pension hours... You are crying about some working on a vacation when it's more in the pension... Stop crying already

10 Pt

When I worked the week, no one went home... So more went into the pension... I bet you are one of those guys that think it's ok to have a 50,000 buy again with the pension or lower the pension hours... You are crying about some working on a vacation when it's more in the pension... Stop crying already
Really? When ft drivers work their non payoff weeks (violating the CBA) it's one driver either not put on the road or advanced to coverage opportunities and being a steward that breaks rules for personal gain it opens a Pandora's box to every driver being able to work their vacations as well, displacing pt timers who could get road time and all the experience and possibilities to qualify for a full time job.

We had multiple drivers telling management they'd work the majority (if not all) of their vacations every year. The management banked on it and it allowed them to reduce opportunities for pt timers to drive and we put a stop to it.
If some people can't make it on $100,000/yr maybe they need to change their lifestyle and quit trampling on their pt time coworkers rights. The company will allow the union to canabolize itself for their gain anytime.