Can I bid to do inside work as a 22.4 if they've got most 22.4 laid off?

eats packages

Deranged lunatic
They finally just let our 22.4s here bid their vacations two weeks ago, four months late
Yea I brought up that issue here, They seemed perfectly capable of doing vacation bidding the first 5 weeks then immediately dropped the ball on week 6 for 22.4 Company I assume desperately wants their Saturdays covered.

It's going to backfire on them, less weeks picked early in the year, more time to "coordinate" the remainder late. Sup discarded my picks and denied everything essentially.

Commercial Inside Release

Well-Known Member
Company has already decided to abuse everyone as much as they can get away with, and make as many quit as possible. In this case, the management sounds like total *holes, too.
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Baseball, dart board
Company has already decided to abuse everyone as much as they can get away with, and make as many quit as possible. In this case, the management sounds like total *holes, too.
Yep, that's kind of the sentiment at our center right now with the lower seniority full time drivers. Starve em out, hope they quit.
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