Can they take away my approved personal on Friday and make me work saturday due to Winter storm


Well-Known Member
Just be nice and let them know you won't be there Friday either way. Then call in Friday morning at least 1 hour before your start and tell them your booking off. Then Monday 1 hour before your shift book back on.

Remember you get a 3 for 1 when book off so unless you book back on Saturday morning they can't make you work it. If they give you the personal day they can tell you your working Sat...

So when they tell you you can't take your personal day Friday take that as a blessing and book off Friday and take the weekend off....


Phoenix Feeder
What happens when they ask for a doctor's note?

I remember a few years ago calling in sick and feeling well enough in the afternoon to catch a movie. Of course, wouldn't you know that my on-car was doing an S&V ride on the mall driver and saw me standing in line to buy my ticket. He just looked at me, shook his head and walked away.

Here they can't ask until you have been sick for 5 days.

Kicked Your Dog

25 Year UPSer/SoCal Feeder
What happens when they ask for a doctor's note?

I remember a few years ago calling in sick and feeling well enough in the afternoon to catch a movie. Of course, wouldn't you know that my on-car was doing an S&V ride on the mall driver and saw me standing in line to buy my ticket. He just looked at me, shook his head and walked away.
Well then, I guess you shouldn't call in..WRONG!!. If they ask for a doctor's note, tell them YOU DIDNT GO TO THE DR! Do all the NY drivers have :censored2:'s like you? For Pete's sake, stop being such a tool.


If they ask for a dr notes just tell em you need to take off again to go to the dr to get one. They are closed by the time i get my route done. I could go to dr. Now and probably get back with a not by 1030 or 11 boss will that work?