Cancer Cure?


Its nuts I was old enough to meet both of my great grandmothers and remember them. They were close to a hundred when they died.

My family is part sea turtle.



6 months ago
This is so true. I used to work in cancer research and no one ever talked about diet or prevention. Ever. All our work was geared towards slowing growth, and 20% cure rates were considered great successes and celebrated. It was so odd to me. I never felt like that was good enough. The doctors in the department would give talks on how their aim was not cure, but maintenance...stopping the growth of tumors so the patient could live with them longer. I couldn't believe it. Patients want tumors out of them and gone. They don't want to learn to live with them. Would you? It was a very depressing job. When I learned about plant-based diets a couple years after I quit, and read all the science on it, I was blown away. There's SO MUCH information out there! Why hadn't any of this ever come up in department meetings?? I immediately switched to a whole-food plant-based diet and haven't looked back. Maybe if I'd known then what I know now, I might have quit sooner..."

rickyb worked in cancer research


Well-Known Member
They're never gonna cure cancer.

Big pharma and doctors stand to lose too much money and our government doesn't want us living long lives.

It would bankrupt social security as well as the food source.

Eat Sleep Fish

Jig Master
I wonder how much cancer is caused by all the crap that is in our food and drink? We really are supposed to eat a caveman style diet but who does? God knows I don’t.


I'm a star
I wonder how much cancer is caused by all the crap that is in our food and drink? We really are supposed to eat a caveman style diet but who does? God knows I don’t.

One risk factor is bad genes that get to express themselves because conditions that would have killed a person before have now become treatable, chronic conditions.

Another risk factor is excessive radiation exposure (sun light, for example) that damages dna in cells in the right way that it doesn't kill them, but does damage replication inhibitors.

Physical trauma is another risk factor, as in the case of asbestos. Asbestos fibers are both fine enough and strong enough to penetrate cells down to the nucleus and can damage dna.

Oxidative stress is yet another risk factor, which can be caused by environmental pollutants, including junk in our food, or cigarette smoke, but it is actually a normal part of metabolism. The cells actually oxidize (burn) glucose in a controlled manner, and your cells are equipped to handle the process, but the more they replicate, and the more they oxidize, the more worn out the telomeres that keep dna from unraveling can become. In other words, some cancer is simply related to aging.

But you can minimize oxidative stress by reducing the amount of metabolization that occurs in your cells, which is one reason why I am a proponent of periodic fasting.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
I wonder how much cancer is caused by all the crap that is in our food and drink?
A lot.

This past two years, two of our neighbors had two different kinds of cancer. One found out at stage 4 lung cancer. Never smoked...The other lymphoma..bad
Both are cancer free now. I thought amazing. DNA, identify the gene, isolate, kill the big C with a pill...
Maybe they have spent some of that money on research.