Can't fill helper slots


Huge Member
I think it's blatantly clear that the "lack of helpers" angle will be used to start the era of "PVDs". UPS is too smart to just screw the centers.
The Teamsters better be on the ball with this because a simple pay increase would flood each center with helper applicants.


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
I think it's blatantly clear that the "lack of helpers" angle will be used to start the era of "PVDs". UPS is too smart to just screw the centers.
The Teamsters better be on the ball with this because a simple pay increase would flood each center with helper applicants.
I was just telling someone earlier this week.

I'm no so sure the plan isn't to fail miserably next week and then hire a ton of PVD's. Then they can run screaming to the union. See we need the flexibility of PVD's. They saved us this year.


Retired 22 years
Oct 15 - New year's, plus or minus a few.

My how that has grown. It used to be the day after Thanksgiving until Dec. 25th. At the rate its expanding the holiday hiring period will be a half a year long in no time. You guys are 'friend" with a capitol "friend".


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
So was getting the Friday after Thanksgiving off. The contract means nothing anymore. Great job maintaining what was fought for younger generation.
Maybe you should try reading the contract.

Holiday does not equal day off.