

Well-Known Member

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Well-Known Member
Ok, who?

Who specifically on the 'lib' side is calling for open borders?

(Hint, no one, it's a Republican scare tactic).

that's a silly argument. actions speak louder then words. the dems will never admit to open borders but their actions fight any and all efforts to close them.

their creation of sanctuary cities welcomes and protects illegal immigration law breakers.

their Soro's funded groups lure these illegals here where your democrats then protect them and fight every effort to deport them.

so your question is either naïve or blatantly dishonest. which one is it?


Well-Known Member
Seriously doubt that as a non resident wouldn't qualify for subsidies.
The one that can, get insurance. Others pay out of pocket. They probably don’t buy the Canadian supplemental insurance. Only about 70 per cent of health care spending in Canada is public, The rest is split primarily between private insurance plans and out of pocket costs.