A lawsuit by current retirees will not happen as this pertains only to future retirees. The letter from the fund stated the cut off date was June 1st. Contradictorily a fellow worker who officially retired August 30th received a letter with his first pension check saying it would not apply to him either.
That is exactly what is being stated. You cannot work once retired. In June I received the annual pamphlet from CS and it had a pompous statement of
the fund was never meant to be used as supplemental income" .
Now, directly after the contract has been signed for six years and they have received a sizeable increase in weekly contributions from UPS per UPS employee they have come out with a much more strident
I see this as either a design to deter people from retiring or living long enough to collect from the fund or as an overstrike in an ultimate goal of backing off to severe restrictions or income limitations.
Either way as I could retire on a 30 and out
at any age, yeah right, just short of my 50th birthday I am not at all happy about this development.
For those who are in areas with stewards and business agents that are not up to speed or won't back protesting this situation here is where and who you should write to:
Central States Health, Welfare and Pension Fund
9377 West Higgins Rd
Rosemont, Illinois 60018
(800)323-5000 (probably hard to get through to them via phones right now
Union Trustees
Ray Cash (since 7/92)
Charles Whobrey (since 4/02)
Jerry Younger (since 4/95)
George J Westley (since 1/97)
Phillip E Young (since 6/98)
Company Trustees
Howard McDougall (Cartage, since 10/76)
Arthur H Bunte Jr (Motor Carriers, since 12/82)
Tom J Ventura (Motor Carriers, since 2/98)
Daniel J Brutto (
UPS, since 6/98)
Gary friend Caldwell (Southern Motor Carriers, since 7/00)
I suggest those not pleased with this turn of events should write the fund and express your extreme dissatisfaction with the new rules regarding re-employment in your own words. Educate your fellow members about this and urge them to do likewise. A petition signed by as many as you can get is an alternative (or I would personally prefer) an additional direction to go on this.
The union trustees are elected to five year terms and I believe can be re-elected indefinately. There is a 13 member Central Trustee Selection Board that puts four of them in this position. There is a 9 member Southern Trustee Selection Board that decides the fifth position.
One of the five positions is up for election or re-election every year. The CTSB and STSB are elected by the principal executive officers of the individual locals on a state by state basis. I don't know their terms of office.
Get involved, do a little work now or you won't be able to later.
(Message edited by ok2bclever on September 13, 2002)