I respectfully disagree. What quiz is ever given where 100% of the answers are 100% identical? If it is a true quiz, one where the quiz giver is actually interested in the knowledge of the person being quized, then there would not be a verbal answer given to the test taker. Instead, the test would be given in test environment.
Is it any wonder why when all tests show a 100% knowledge of the subject matter, but yet we have less than that on the ketter audits?
All these "quizzes" show ketter is that you were presented the answers to the questions. Not that you have a working knowledge of the issues involved.
Then also you have that wonderful management attitude to the test. Dont know how it is where you run the show, but the hourly catch the managements attitude that all this is just a bunch of crap that we have to go through to please ketter so we can keep Osha off our backs. But yet each and every day you see people violate the very things we are trying to teach them. Why would that be you think?![]()
No! give us a break from your long winded rants about your been there done that, experienced that, was part of that, know this, met them,caused that, baloney. I'm astonished at your belief that you command complete depth of knowlege of every obscure and minute detail invovling anything UPS related. When if ever do you have time to do any real work? "for the last 85-95 years. ......" How old would you have us belive that you are Ol' wizard of Us. The Test is fair and completely with in UPS's rights to administer its business as it sees fit plus I get paid to take it and if I wrong I get paid to retrain and take it again win-win.One of the things that I have begun to realize that is missing is the top down leadership that has been a cornerstone of our company for the last 85-95 years. Leading by example has never been something that has led this company in the wrong direction. When you see things like integrity, honesty, and other attributes that used to be valued above all else, falling by the wayside, it makes you wonder what the hell is going on at the top.
Give me a break!
ask the management team to (simply) have the quiz due by the next PCM.
Dearest Daniel the grown up man, I don't seem to have a problem with you, I do have a problem with you. I didn't miss any point posed in the initial post or responses, the company does what it has to do to operate in compliance with whatever Federal ,State, local gov. throw at them. So if you wish for them to be attentive as to whether you show proficiency or not in some monthly paper work, that is not their main objective. Their main objective is to be incompliance with the paper work. They administer the test the best they can generally, your conformation to this inconvenient procedure is to attempt to fit it in your day. If you ask to do it after your route and do they usually have no problem with that. You said in previous posts you've seen many violations of these rules, as a shop steward doesnt' it behove you to tell management of these issues. I've seen most employees do what they were taught to do with regards to saftey. As for belittleing you, well between your self-aggrandizement and my criticism of you, I think you come out looking just DANDYBOY!Dearest Dave
You seem to have a problem with me, and not the post. Of course it is within UPS's right to administer any test as it sees fit. But when the results are skewed because the test is skewed, then who is to blame.
See you miss the point, in your attempt to belittle me. The whole Idea of the quizes is to get the drivers to learn something, not for you to make 20 minutes overtime. If they were actually done as a "quiz", and the group showed a lack of knowledge on certain aspects of the OSHA requirements, then you could focus on that aspect more intensely.
Shame you have to try to make yourself bigger by attempting to belittle someone else.
Their main objective is to be incompliance with the paper work