climate catastrophe


nowhere special
The Birds 17.jpg


Well-Known Member
theyre saying climate catastrophe caused the polar vortex to move 4000 miles south where it normally would be

Prof. Katharine Hayhoe


Feb 16

The main factors: Frozen instruments at natural gas, coal and even nuclear facilities, as well as limited supplies of natural gas. Wind shutdowns accounted for less than 13% of outages.


Well-Known Member
saw a clip of a bill gates interview. he said to have a system that actually works its not impossible but not easy transition either. it would be the single greatest effort in mankind's history. gives you an idea how :censored2:ed up our current capitalist system is.


Well-Known Member
They adjust it based on their timelines of what they want to accomplish. I wonder how many more decades we will have to go through these pathetic power grabbing tactics before a majority of people realize what's happening and stop supporting it.
are your talking about white collar criminals? im not sure


Well-Known Member
But John Kerry says we only have 9 years left.
Al Gore told his supporters in 2006 that the world had until 27th January 2016 to end its addiction to fossil fuels or the it would come to an end.
Bernie & AOC in 2018 said that only 12 years remained and repeated the same claim in 2019 that 12 years where left.
we've already warmed it 1 degree c