Climate Change Advocates That Don't Practice What They Preach!


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
Mick Jagger now mad about you using fossil fuels. Meanwhile he is using up tremendous amounts of the stuff himself.

Non sequitur

Well-Known Member
I use to feel sort of like a hypocrite when I would tell people to buy American made products but own an iPhone and drive a Toyota.

Japan's automaker labor unions seek pay increases in annual wage talks | The Japan Times

Fair and free trade only works with countries with similar standards of living. Apple should move iPhone production. Your logic made sense 40 years ago.

Unfortunately average non union auto workers in the US make more than union auto workers since the 2007 recession.

Box Ox

What can be, unburdened by what has been.
The climate issue is like a lotta stuff the hard lefties like to talk about: Fun to virtue signal and pat yourself on the back over. But not actually practical to address in the ways proposed.

Life is short and very few people are going to give up their nice :censored2:. Bernie won’t, Al Gore won’t, Drake won’t.


Well-Known Member
The climate issue is like a lotta stuff the hard lefties like to talk about: Fun to virtue signal and pat yourself on the back over. But not actually practical to address in the ways proposed.

Life is short and very few people are going to give up their nice :censored2:. Bernie won’t, Al Gore won’t, Drake won’t.
capitalism isnt practical. today i throw out a boot dryer because 1 part on it broke. its going to "electronics recycling" but who knows how much will actually be recycled and its unlikely that this is unsustainable anyways.

@Wally rags on the hypocrisy of some of the concerned global warming believers, and yet doesnt consider the idea that people like donald trump are briefed on global warming by the DOD and other agencies and yet trump continues to lie to you anyways.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
From the Stones current tour:

40 trucks that transport two sets of the massive
70-foot steel structures that hold the video displays from venue to venue."

25 trucks transport production equipment, including the video operation, which is housed under the stage
about 300 people –150 local workers and 150 who travel with the tour."

Nearly ONE HUNDRED 18-wheel Trac/trailers have to be used, just in the US, to watch a 76-year-old man prance around on stage singing 25-50 year old songs?

Add to that all the private jet flying, electricity, fuel use by all those attending the shows...

Major energy consumption!


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
speaking of practicing what you preach!!!!

I applaud massive energy use. If it's your money, go for it! Don't cry about so called global warming then fly around in a private jet.


Staff member
From the Stones current tour:

40 trucks that transport two sets of the massive
70-foot steel structures that hold the video displays from venue to venue."

25 trucks transport production equipment, including the video operation, which is housed under the stage
about 300 people –150 local workers and 150 who travel with the tour."

Nearly ONE HUNDRED 18-wheel Trac/trailers have to be used, just in the US, to watch a 76-year-old man prance around on stage singing 25-50 year old songs?

Add to that all the private jet flying, electricity, fuel use by all those attending the shows...

Major energy consumption!
If it’s a brand new jet, it’s probably relatively more fuel efficient. So there’s that.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Pretty phony to go off about so-called "man made climate change" and then do stuff like this...

Superstar rapper Drake, who rails against climate change, buys massive private jet
Typical LibTurd hypocrite! SMH

Drake slips in: ‘[they’re] talkin’ bout how the weather’s changing / the ice is melting / like the world is ending.’
One might, perhaps, assume Drake is referring to the usual ice melting in post-winter Toronto;
especially given the line’s casual delivery and the beat-drop of the bridge that follows immediately after, as if forgetting he said it at all.
But as we drop off this icy berg into the bridge – ‘She asks me, “who are you gonna be, when it’s all over, when it’s all over?”’ –
it is apparent that Drake’s simple moment of contemplation has had a transformative effect….

He enters a state of existential reflection, with a realization of his impending mortality:
what will be the intrinsic value of his music, if the ice caps melt and the world is no longer sustainable?
Or perhaps more pertinently, he realises that with his stadium-sized cultural standing, and ability to impact on the world at large, he is in an undeniable position of power to enact meaningful change and ensure the survival of the planet’s ecosystem –
a network nearly as complicated, beautiful, and wonderfully diverse as Drake himself.

Is Drake the perfect role model for the green movement?



Staff member
It’s all kinda silly.

I think we should have clean air and water. I think we should punish companies that break environmental laws. I don’t think a lot of people disagree with these sentiments.

But I’m still probably going to remove the emissions crap on my pickup.

Hypocrite? Ok. Don’t care. I fit in with the rest of y’all.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
Limo's at the Academy Awards. Inside, lots of speeches about global warming! Lol

No one walked, took a bike, or even rode the bus from the airport?