first off, this militant attitude thing towards any anon. poster is getting ridiculous. this poster asked aquestion without insulting anyone on this forum, looking for an answer, and yet everyone flips out at him in this witch hunt for trolls. underlaid is a troll if he starts 20 threads in an hour about various stuff like "p/t pay scale", "omgz preload sup looked at my strangely". he is yet to do that, so i think his question needs serious consideration. if you don't want to consider it, stay out rather than attacking him over his choice in handle.
Let's start this whole thread over. Let's imagine this isn't a troll, but it is YOU worried about getting killed at work. What do you do?
I have "ratted out" another driver who I honestly felt was going to get a non-UPSer injured or killed. It's a long story, but I twice saw a driver put someone so at risk, that I had to tell management because if that person got injured or killed, I would have shared blame if I had not spoken up.
So, you see a pothead driving equipment on property. What do you do?
over, you have a good sense of things. moral ethics, however, seems to be something else.
who is going to get killed or who is at risk is irrelevant. a hooker, your self, your manager, your mother, a upser, a non-upser. it's all the same; it's a human life. perhaps i read your statement wrong.
i see a pothead driving equipment on property, i do nothing. i see a pothead smoking pot then driving equipment on property, it's my obligation to inform my supervisor, whether i trust them or not. i fulfilled my obligation.
another important thing is intent. if you are reporting them because you seriously think they are a risk, then do it. if you want to do it because you hate them and want them gone so you can get a couple rungs higher on the seniority end, then you should reevaluate the situation.
confronting them isn't the right thing to do, you're just going to create conflict and tension. you'd accomplish nothing; they're just going to blow smoke in your face.