Congress May Spend More On The Benghazi Panel Than On The Veterans Affairs Committee


Inordinately Right
I assume you dispute the laser designator.

Since for some reason I can't copy and paste one of several links to stories from my phone, including the marines father who said his son painted the mortars with the laser. He would not have exposed himself unless he thought air support was inbound.
The father was there? How'd the father get out alive? It is confirmed that they had laser guidance CAPABILITIES. Makes for a good story on Fox News though doesn't it? What I find sad is them using a grieving father for the ratings.

"The CIA told the Washington Post’s David Ignatius that “the rooftop defenders never ‘laser the mortars’ as has been reported,” a reference to an earlier Fox News report. The CIA added the “defenders have focused their laser sights earlier on several Libyan attackers, as warnings not to fire.”

I can only assume the people you vote for can do know wrong. I bet if George Bush was President and this happened, you would be agreeing 100%.
You know what they say about assuming....


All Trash No Trailer
If your family member was one of those 4 killed , you wouldn't be so flip.

You'd want answers and you'd want them now.
i'm assuming you are talking to me(that danged pesky Rply button is still a challenge for you I see)
After all of the investigations to date i'm certain the family has been given the answers.
Furthermore I'd b PISSED that the plight of my family members were being whored by the Republican party for purely partisan reasons


All Trash No Trailer
They were there to run guns and weapons to Lybian and Syrian Al Queda rebels. And no it was and is in our interest to leave Mumbarek Qaddaffi and Assadd in power.

All we did in Egypt Syria Lybia and now Iraq by leaving too soon is create a power vacuum and chaos.
So we should just invade and occupy the entire Middle East?


Well-Known Member
So we should just invade and occupy the entire Middle East?

I said it was in our interest to leave Quadaffi Assad and Mumbarek in power. It was also in our interest to leave a Hussein in power. (Sadaam Hussein not Barack Hussein).

I realize as a country we will ally with unsavory people at times to achieve certain objectives. All these guys are bad guys but they are predictable and offer some stability. What Obama has done in the case of Egypt Lybia and Syria is ally himself with extremely evil people A(Al Queda and other related terrorist groups) to get rid of very evil dictators. Obama sided with the greater of 2 evils rather than the lesser of 2 evils.

I'm not sure how you equate that with invading the middle east.


Well-Known Member
The father was there? How'd the father get out alive? It is confirmed that they had laser guidance CAPABILITIES. Makes for a good story on Fox News though doesn't it? What I find sad is them using a grieving father for the ratings.

"The CIA told the Washington Post’s David Ignatius that “the rooftop defenders never ‘laser the mortars’ as has been reported,” a reference to an earlier Fox News report. The CIA added the “defenders have focused their laser sights earlier on several Libyan attackers, as warnings not to fire.”

You know what they say about assuming....
No, he was trying to tell his story about the interaction he's had with Hillary. She lied right to his face, telling him it was that damned video that caused the attack.
And worst than that the put a guy in jail for making that video that maybe 13 people had seen.

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Inordinately Right
No, he was trying to tell his story about the interaction he's had with Hillary. She lied right to his face, telling him it was that damned video that caused the attack.
And worst than that the put a guy in jail for making that video that maybe 13 people had seen.
So he wasn't there, and he was trying to tell his story about the interaction he's had with Hillary....
By making stuff up about lasers?
Or are you just trying to change the subject?


Well-Known Member
So he wasn't there, and he was trying to tell his story about the interaction he's had with Hillary....
By making stuff up about lasers?
Or are you just trying to change the subject?
I've never heard Woods father claim he was there during the attack. But he was sure as hell at the airport when they carried his son off that plane.McConnell: ‘Nice Family Fight’ of Primaries Over, Time to Unify to Take Senate
GOPs tell Faith and Freedom Coalition a “hostile takeover” is coming to Washington.

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Well-Known Member
I can't speak to the cable news outlets since I don't have cable or satellite. Based on ratings numbers released fox has no need to make stuff up to beat its competitors. I wouldn't trust faux anymore than I would trust msnbc or cnn.

That being said, there is numerous legitimate credible sources saying the same thing. Forgive me if I don't believe the appointed mouthpiece of the CIA.

Whether a designator was in use or not it doesn't change the fact that those just under Obama watched live as our guys fought to the death with no support no help no back up and no President.


Well-Known Member
I've never heard Woods father claim he was there during the attack. But he was sure as hell at the airport when they carried his son off that plane.McConnell: ‘Nice Family Fight’ of Primaries Over, Time to Unify to Take Senate
GOPs tell Faith and Freedom Coalition a “hostile takeover” is coming to Washington.

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So, you agree that one of the seals painted some targets before the attack. And you believe the CIA said that no painting of targets took place during the attack. Sorry, I don't buy that story. If they did it before then while that during the attack.

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Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
Eh, not really. The Navy and the Marines are both part of the Department of the Navy, more correct to say that they work together.

Marines belong to the department of the navy. Because of this they are often (more than not) under control by the navy when it comes to funding, logistics, and even command structure. Especially the "blueside" marines that serve on ships and/or depend on the navy for transportation. The greenside marines aren't as dependent on the navy but still fall under the department of the navy.

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Staff member
Marines belong to the department of the navy. Because of this they are often (more than not) under control by the navy when it comes to funding, logistics, and even command structure. Especially the "blueside" marines that serve on ships and/or depend on the navy for transportation. The greenside marines aren't as dependent on the navy but still fall under the department of the navy.

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You're conflating the US Navy with the Dept of the Navy, they're not the same thing. The US Navy and the USMC both belong to the Dept of the Navy, in the same way the that the US Army belongs to the Dept of the Army and the US Air Force belongs to the Dept of the Air Force. The Marines are not "under the command of the Navy", which is the post I was responding to. They're a separate military branch with their own mission statement.