Contract talks !!!!!! STRIKE !!!!!!


Well-Known Member
I have heard that companies in PA can't break a union. They would have to wait 90 days through a strike before they could Hire. Not sure how true or what the laws are. Just stating something I heard.

PT Stewie

"Big Fella"
I have heard that companies in PA can't break a union. They would have to wait 90 days through a strike before they could Hire. Not sure how true or what the laws are. Just stating something I heard.
90 days 90X90 customers lost ? Stock in the dumper? Stockholders up in arms ? It is not happening!


Pay wa wa wa what for healthcare a week, that has to be a typo ..... I think my wife just had a mild heart attack now I have to take her to a doctor , thanks UPS ,way to keep those healthcare cost down.


Well-Known Member
Here is my question, in our local we only offer a family plan. So even part timers would be subject to the $90 a week (which will never happen IMO).
Lets say we are talking about a 2 year PTer at $10.50. With the 17.5 hour guarantee comes out to be $183.75. Now subtract taxes, down to $128.62. Minus health payment of $90, that gets you to $38.62. We all get that right? But here is my question, if the PTer has used up his sick days and runs into another 2 day illness, will he have to reimburse the company -$12.82? Without getting a dime that week?

3 done 3 to go

In control of own destiny
I would also hope we get a 1$raise first yr. Haven't voted yes on a contract yet. Don't plan on it again. Unless we get overtime towards our pension or get bought out. Either way I'm gone in 5. No matter.

UPS Preloader

Well-Known Member
As a single PT'er here working mainly for my benefits, I'd settle for $5 a check or $20 a month for me. Sounds a lot better than $120 a month.


Once you let them in the door, UPS will be negotiating it up every contract. If they don't drop this, we need to vote NO! (Just my thoughts.)