Convoy for Freedom, Coming to a Nation's Capital Near You


Strength through joy
Of course now that everyone has read her posts and the backlash has begun, she is singing a different tune.

Harvard professor, CNN analyst and former Obama admin undersecretary of Homeland Security Juliette Kayyem has called for violence and vandalism against Freedom Convoy protesters who have amassed on the bridge that connects Detroit, Michigan to Windsor, Ontario.


Yes. No jab, no job is force. No jab no entry, "show me your papers" is force. You know that, but are acting like you don't so you don't look like a hypocrite when you ask the question. You ask the question to cast doubt on the facts.
cant the capitalists do as they please?

you know im against this system too, but it centralizes power

i got jabbed, no criminal record, and god knows whatll happen next time i try going on vacation to america.

y is hillary clinton clothes okay but not wikileaks or anonymous?


Just a dog
I don't pay dues to this brotherhood so the current administration can jump on Twitter and make a one-sided political statement that contradicts views held by a large chunk of its membership. Why does the union have to be political at all? I understand lobbying, but the way Hoffa is playing one side of the field isn't right. I hope the new administration will dial this kind of thing back.


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I don't pay dues to this brotherhood so the current administration can jump on Twitter and make a one-sided political statement that contradicts views held by a large chunk of its membership. Why does the union have to be political at all? I understand lobbying, but the way Hoffa is playing one side of the field isn't right. I hope the new administration will dial this kind of thing back.

friend the union at that point. Their fat cats will suck Biden's peener for more favors and regulations to screw the working class once again.


Well-Known Member
People should always have a choice over their medical care. No one is saying they wanna run around and spread the virus intentionally. If a person has an STD it's his responsibility to let their partner know. If you have it and willing and knowingly spread it then yes you can be charged with a crime.
Same can be applied. You can still have a free choice over the vax and be responsible enough if you contract the virus to then self quarantine for 5-10 days till you get a negative test. If said person though decides to knowingly go into public settings while being positive then he should be treated treated no different then a person intentionally spreading an std.
You can have a choice and still act with integrity in the matter contrary to popular belief lol.
The anti vaxxers say they want the freedom of choice . that they don't want any so called "medical intervention" but when they catch the virus what do many of them do? Why, they go to the hospital seeking what?.....Medical intervention of course.


I'm a star
The anti vaxxers say they want the freedom of choice . that they don't want any so called "medical intervention" but when they catch the virus what do many of them do? Why, they go to the hospital seeking what?.....Medical intervention of course.

That they pay for? Sure. Many are still brainwashed into believing they have to go to the ER for sniffles. What can you say? The hospitals pretend to be overwhelmed as they fire staff so they can keep the easy gubmint money rolling in, but they still need rubes showing up seeking a level of medical care they don't need to keep the bottom line healthy. If this were a real, serious pandemic, and hospitals were really overrun, we would be getting messaging to help people make better decisions about when to go to the hospital, when to go to urgent care, when to wait and see their GP, and when to take a couple Tylenol and tough it out. They would also be expanding the healthcare worker pool, not eliminating it.

But, boohoo, people insist that medical professionals abide by the bedrock of their code of ethics, informed consent. Will the horrors never cease?


Well-Known Member
That they pay for? Sure. Many are still brainwashed into believing they have to go to the ER for sniffles. What can you say? The hospitals pretend to be overwhelmed as they fire staff so they can keep the easy gubmint money rolling in, but they still need rubes showing up seeking a level of medical care they don't need to keep the bottom line healthy. If this were a real, serious pandemic, and hospitals were really overrun, we would be getting messaging to help people make better decisions about when to go to the hospital, when to go to urgent care, when to wait and see their GP, and when to take a couple Tylenol and tough it out. They would also be expanding the healthcare worker pool, not eliminating it.

But, boohoo, people insist that medical professionals abide by the bedrock of their code of ethics, informed consent. Will the horrors never cease?
800,000 dead not a serious pandemic? LOL. So how many dead does it have to take for you a person with no formal training in the field of infectious diseases to declare an outbreak a pandemic?


I'm a star
800,000 dead not a serious pandemic? LOL. So how many dead does it have to take for you a person with no formal training in the field of infectious diseases to declare an outbreak a pandemic?

With or of? People who bring up death statistics like they mean anything only reveal how little attention they are paying. Tests are garbage. Many places, after doing an investigation, have adjusted their death from covid stats down to anywhere from 1%-6% of the falsified, overstated, numbers.

Why do you, a person with no formal training in the field, and who apparently doesn't even read anything about what's going on, get to declare it a real, serious pandemic if I can't make the counter claim? You lost. Take your ball and go home.


Please remove my account. This forum sucks.
800,000 dead not a serious pandemic? LOL. So how many dead does it have to take for you a person with no formal training in the field of infectious diseases to declare an outbreak a pandemic?
I sure hope you despise China and fauci and Biden.


Well-Known Member
With or of? People who bring up death statistics like they mean anything only reveal how little attention they are paying. Tests are garbage. Many places, after doing an investigation, have adjusted their death from covid stats down to anywhere from 1%-6% of the falsified, overstated, numbers.

Why do you, a person with no formal training in the field, and who apparently doesn't even read anything about what's going on, get to declare it a real, serious pandemic if I can't make the counter claim? You lost. Take your ball and go home.
YOU not I proclaimed that COVID 19 is NOT a serious pandemic. QUALIFIED judgements something neither one of us are has proclaimed it to be a serious pandemic. Generally regarded as the worst US pandemic since the influenza outbreak following World War I. So what is your counter claim based on? Is it coming from Rand Paul an eye doctor who tried to discredit Dr. Fauci and other people who have spent their entire lives in the field of infectious diseases? Now if you want to continue to sit there all day and let Fox News take your opinions and recite them back to you you're certainly free to do so.


Well-Known Member
I sure hope you despise China and fauci and Biden.
Joe Biden is the CERTIFIED winner of the 2020 US presidential election winning by an 8 million vote CERTIFIED majority Dr. Fauci is a board certified and one of the nation's foremost authorities in the science of infectious diseases. China is a sovereign nation . What else do you want to know?


This is how you know the power is losing. The rats are abandoning ship.

This is due almost entirely to the truckers. The revolution is happening, and not only is @rickyb missing it, he disapproves.
These guys r likely 2 stupid to have a revolution

U overestimate their intelligence

If this is true then worst pills and cr will report