corporations find their dream worker under massive for profit prison system


Well-Known Member
some countries probably dont have the word "student debt"

the 80 billion trump increased defense spending by couldve paid for more than paid for free college for all, which frees up american minds to focus on their subjects rather than how they are going to pay for it all. i think the cost of free college in america is 47 billion.

you could take the remainder of the 80 billion and just paid the students to go to school, kinda like how they pay people to kill people around the world ie military empire.
The US does have debt free colleges.
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Well-Known Member
The US does have debt free collages.

Would this be one of them?



Well-Known Member
I stayed out of trouble out of fear of the consequences. Fear of punishment is a great motivator.

My father (not my Dad) wrote the book on the use of fear as a great motivator.

He owned his own business and we knew that we were in trouble when our mother would tell us to wait until he got home.