corporations find their dream worker under massive for profit prison system


Nine Lives
while your son may not be above the law, wall street and politicians definitely are.
While that very well may be true, I would make sure my son realized he was not above the law.

PS - you should make sure people understand that Corporation Boards and C-level executives are an extension of Wall St. They are rarely held responsible from a legal perspective.

El Correcto

god is dead
Edward Snowden‏Verified account @Snowden 3h3 hours ago

Listen, you can defend torture, or you can defend the Constitution. Not both. The 8th Amendment explicitly forbids torture with all forms of cruel and unusual punishment. To defend torture is to attack the Constitution.
I agree with this on some levels. The goal of torture is not punishment though, it’s to gather intel. You can’t just ask a jihadist nicely to tell you where his buddies are.
Torture being used as punishment could spark a debate on society acceptance of the punishment, does it fit the crime and is it arbitrary.

I think states should decide what cruel and unusual is. In Texas I don’t think it would take much for pedophiles to get a lot worse than some water thrown in their face repeatedly and I’d be happy with that.


Well-Known Member
I agree with this on some levels. The goal of torture is not punishment though, it’s to gather intel. You can’t just ask a jihadist nicely to tell you where his buddies are.
Torture being used as punishment could spark a debate on society acceptance of the punishment, does it fit the crime and is it arbitrary.

I think states should decide what cruel and unusual is. In Texas I don’t think it would take much for pedophiles to get a lot worse than some water thrown in their face repeatedly and I’d be happy with that.
gathering intel via torture doesnt work.

i dunno what first world countries use violence as a form of punishment? america is the only one with the death penalty, not saying america is wrong because its the only one, but its likely wrong.

they should change the consititution if they want to do torture.

El Correcto

god is dead
gathering intel via torture doesnt work.

i dunno what first world countries use violence as a form of punishment? america is the only one with the death penalty, not saying america is wrong because its the only one, but its likely wrong.

they should change the consititution if they want to do torture.
Right and wrong is dictated by the government elected by the society.
We don’t have to change the constitution to torture, cruel and unusual is dictated by what I brought up in my post above. To European nations our death penalty might be cruel and unusual. We might view sharia law as cruel and unusual. To me water boarding a terrorist doesn’t seem cruel or unusual.
You guys instantly say torture doesn’t work, I think it does in some cases and should be used. Like on top level scum Abu Zubaydah and Khalid Sheik Muhammed. Having Osama’s personal courier detained and tortured didn’t have any effect? Don’t quote me Jill Feinstein’s hit piece, that lady is a radical lefty like the rest. Not to mention Susan Collins with her “moderate” Republican stance.


Inordinately Right
Right and wrong is dictated by the government elected by the society.
We don’t have to change the constitution to torture, cruel and unusual is dictated by what I brought up in my post above. To European nations our death penalty might be cruel and unusual. We might view sharia law as cruel and unusual. To me water boarding a terrorist doesn’t seem cruel or unusual.
You guys instantly say torture doesn’t work, I think it does in some cases and should be used. Like on top level scum Abu Zubaydah and Khalid Sheik Muhammed. Having Osama’s personal courier detained and tortured didn’t have any effect? Don’t quote me Jill Feinstein’s hit piece, that lady is a radical lefty like the rest. Not to mention Susan Collins with her “moderate” Republican stance.
Doesn't work.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
So explain to me how we got information from detainees in Guantánamo leading to Osama’s personal courier and then how we got information leading to Osama from him.
I’m sure we paid for a lawyer on tax payers money and negotiated a deal with homicidal jihadist.
Literally all research into the effectiveness of torture has shown it doesn't work. There is no data to support your claim and plenty that refutes it.

El Correcto

god is dead
And that’s just the biggest success of it. We truly don’t know how many people have been saved through this and how many jihadist have been given a one way ticket to visit allah. I think there’s a reason Obama didn’t close Guantánamo and why we continue it to this day.

El Correcto

god is dead
Torture works. The threat of being tortured works. Knowing America isn’t going to play games with you works. This is why Democrats fail at foreign policy. I doubt we even have to torture these guys anymore, they probably walk in singing like birds knowing they’ll be drowned for the rest of their miserable lives for conspiring to kill Americans.