Could you ever see unions making a large comeback and expanding membership?


Well-Known Member
Here is the real question.

What are your liquid assets ? Anyone can look good on paper.

A 20 year part-timer (with 8 kids) who "day trades" and is doing so well.... must be blessed.

Or, a complete anomaly.

Or a liar who steals screenshots from the web, to try and impress strangers he’ll never meet.

Lol what a dweeb


Well-Known Member

Sorry, I made another 600 bucks in the few minutes since the post. Cashed out. Chillin. That's the days total. My bad.


My job is fun
Haha spending that much energy trying to prove yourself to strangers. Someone needs some poon
Single mostly likely. Maybe even lives in his parents basement. Can’t find a girl even he has all that money so what the next best thing? Get on browncafe and brag. Dude needs to really reevaluate his life or spend some of that money on hookers and blow to really get the blood going.


Well-Known Member
The problem with that analogy is that "Sophie was never flat chested"... I other words she had nothing to prove or the need to display her attributes to the general public...To get attention...
I haven't brought out anything for the personal need to brag.

I've only ever posted trading things whenever an ignorant, bitter, boomer-driver decides to throw shade. Then, I use said skills to put them back in their places.