Crybaby Republicans at it again


Well-Known Member
He ain’t getting :censored2: and I don’t think the Covington boys are getting :censored2: either, unless it’s settled out of court.

These cases seem like Supreme Court challenges now that it’s leaning right.

twitter already blinked , they blocked one of the accounts Nunes was complaining about. This thread should be merged into the media bias one.

the libs control every form of public media and use it to bash the republicans and control the message. this is just another form of media bias.


Well-Known Member
You mean the elder Indian who went and got in Sandmann's face? The elder Indian who claimed Vietnam service when he was never in country? The elder Indian who's made a living out of protesting? The elder Indian who lied on video about what transpired that day? And those kids were riled up by a bunch of black activists who were calling them all kinds of racists names. Of course the knee jerk liberals response is to rush to the defense of non-whites on everything, especially if they're in proximity of little bigots wearing MAGA hats.
In my neighborhood, getting in someone’s face is an agessive act. And most likely would be retaliated upon. Once the loud chanting started without pause, that guy would have been a statistic.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
The check CNN is gonna write.


Staff member
If a major newspaper, et al, ever accuses you falsely of wrongdoing, is slanderous in their description of your actions, and it affects your professional and personal life, or is deemed likely to harm you and your family's future, I suspect you won't go "Aw shucks, you fellers really zinged me that time!" And you folks here went out of your way to slam that kid because he wore a MAGA hat. If he had worn a t-shirt with Obama's campaign symbol on it none of this would've ever happened.
Why don’t you start a Go Fund Me page for him?
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Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
What makes her a bimbo?
Is she a bimbo just because Kavanaugh sexually assaulted her?
I guess she was asking for it........SMH
Hence the phrase "Fratboy wannabe".....words have meaning.

The people on the opinion shows are not professional journalists. They get paid to give their opinions on stories .
Hypocrite much?
Nevermind ... I remember now ... Only when you post!