Days like today


Geek in Brown
Days like today make the days of driving in freezing & pouring rain, heavy snow, etc all worth it. 70 degrees with a nice breeze. It doesn't get any better than this!


Well-Known Member
Had that kinda day yesterday temp wise, today it was snowing. And to keep the positive spin going, it's supposed to be our first nice weekend in a month. Is it Friday yet?


Least Best Moderator
Staff member
Shorts weather is here to stay until late fall. When the weatherperson mentions it getting in the high 60's, its time to show some leg.


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
Typical ups positive thread has under 10 posts after 5 hours.

The one about someone quitting has 30 in an hour.

Ps I love my job on nice spring and fall days. 8,9,10,11 hour days don't matter when the weather is nice and the sun is still up.

Buck Fifty

Well-Known Member
What i like about nice days...I dont get paid any less.

What i like about nasty days...I make even more money.

Spin anyway you like , thats bow i see it.


Retired 22 years
I think it has snowed here every day for 2 months. I tried to take my 4-wheeler down to the river a couple of days ago (I knew better but I was bored). I spent half a day getting some REAL use out of the winch. I won't be trying that again anytime soon. I finally was able to walk down to the river today but it was a real workout. About every 5th step one foot would break through the layer of hardpack and there I would be standing with snow up to my crotch with one leg. I won't be trying that again anytime soon either. Its finally suppose to start warming up here Friday. I'm looking forward to getting the scoot on the road again. Come on summer--I promise I won't complain about the mosquitos-----------------------much.