Well I was around in 97 when we went on strike. You think nothing was gained? Maybe not for you or I. Well the union gained $11 a month from every full time member for a strike fund. The company, and I already know what you will say so don't bother, was able to DUMP all those packages that were not profitable, just to get them back some time in the near future for published or close to published rates, boost profits, make themselves look like a victim of the union, and then go PUBLIC. Coincidence? well of course you think so. Not me.
Do you know why we were on strike? Well I fill you in. The company wanted to take over the pension fund. What does the union have in their corner? Only the pension fund. The company could not believe the Teamster contract team would even bend a little on the pension. I am not saying either way is better. I'm not sure right now. I do know hall and Ron Carey would not EVER allow the company to take over the pension. No question about it.
Why do I think we could have a strike in 08? Well if you are a driver like me, I am tired of being <font color="ff0000"></font><font color="ff0000"></font><font color="ff0000"></font><font color="ff0000"></font> on by management. They want more production, while paying us less per package. They are going to go after the pension again, and if Hoffa has any balls he will do as Hall and Carey did, not even present it to the rank and file. Remember those mailings during the strike telling us the union was the evil one, if they would only present the offer to rank and file. Wrong. Why to they call it collective bargaining? Because the company has a team and the union has a team. They "collectivly" come to an agreement. You don't sell it right to the rank and file as the company tried to.
I am unhappy because after 22 years, 17+ as a full time driver, I am no longer able to sit down to dinner with my family. Something that happened more than four times a week on average before the company changed the rules. Now I can sometimes see them get into bed, most times they are already there before I get home.