Death and or survivor benefits?


Well-Known Member
Preferential Beneficiary
If you do not name a Plan beneficiary or if your named beneficiary dies before you, your Plan looks at the following classes of survivors:
• Spouse on date of death
• Children (only natural or legally
adopted are recognized)
• Parents
• Brothers and sisters
• Your estate
Your Plan beneficiary is selected from the first of these classes with a survivor. If there is more than one survivor in that class, they share equally in any lump sum death benefit payable.
How do I change my beneficiary or does it just go to the wife


Well-Known Member
Be careful when inquiring with your local, my brother and I was in the same local, different companies. I was a union steward, I contacted my BA and he informed that there was no insurance benefits for my brother. So we dug a little deeper because my BA and I always didn't always agree on many issues. Found out there was a policy for $20,000. So check it out completely.
So who pays the benefit ups or teamcare or liberty mutual or maybe another insurance company


Well-Known Member
Your 1 punch language is probably for a future weeks benefits. What if you only punched in on Friday? I doubt you lost your insurance the Monday thru Thursday before you worked.

I need 40 paid hours a month for medical. It’s for coverage 2 months out. 40 hours in March covers me for May.

If your death benefit comes from your pension plan, you probably don’t lose that benefit because you didn’t punch in. You probably only lose that pension contribution for that benefit week.
That's the thing they coded him as if he wasn't there on Monday February 1st he was found February 10th. So he did die the following week but he was at work February 1st 2nd and 3rd kinda strange how he was marked absent those days


Lunch is the best part of the day
So who pays the benefit ups or teamcare or liberty mutual or maybe another insurance company
Read the paperwork you have. You have the information we dont. It clearly says teamcare. Your business agent should be handling all payroll problems with the deceased member