Now I know this is a UPS forum but maybe some DHL guys is on here and can answer some questions for me. I went by and picked up an application for employment from DHL and talked to a lady that gave me my app. Now, I really been considering either Fedex or DHL. I have nothing against UPS and did consider them as well. The biggest thing was that UPS and Fedex was hiring only part time package handlers at night and I need full time hours being I'm married and have children. DHL is hiring full time drivers right now. Now, I'm gonna be taking a pretty good paycut starting out. I was expecting that but was wondering how often do raises come up and how much raise is normally given at a time. The lady told me one figure per week (salary) and after I learned the route then I get another $50 per week. I'm thinking about filling out the app and turn it in next week and talk to a guy the lady told me to ask for (he was out driving the day I was there due to being short drivers) and ask him all the details. I'd really like to know if this is something I can get up in pay in a decent amount of time. Thanks for any info.