Division manager to Night Feeder Manager?


Phoenix Feeder
Why would a Hub Division Manager "step down" to a Night Feeder Manager? That is the story we are getting. Hub operations haven't been particularly bad under this man's watch, in fact things seemed to be running fairly well to me.

This manager had rotations in Feeder at least twice before, so he doesn't need the experience. Our main Feeder manager is supposed to retire this year and our Division manager lives in New Mexico and is also Division there. Could it be positioning for one of those jobs?

Never seen anyone step down from Division before.


IE boogeyman
integrity violation of some kind, hiding hours or inflating pieces

if things are running well, something is being swept under the rug for sure


Well-Known Member

Refresh my memory...
When a manager level person "steps down", "gets demoted"...whatever...to supervisor level, does the person lose both manager salary AND manager stock OR

...is it one or the other?
I can't remember.

...and, no, this isn't a stupid question.


Retired 22 years
Every management person I ever heard of being sent to feeders had screwed up something somewhere. UPS don't train management specifically for feeders---they recruit them from the "screwed up somewhere" pool.


Well-Known Member
Why would a Hub Division Manager "step down" to a Night Feeder Manager? That is the story we are getting. Hub operations haven't been particularly bad under this man's watch, in fact things seemed to be running fairly well to me.

This manager had rotations in Feeder at least twice before, so he doesn't need the experience. Our main Feeder manager is supposed to retire this year and our Division manager lives in New Mexico and is also Division there. Could it be positioning for one of those jobs?

Never seen anyone step down from Division before.

It's tough to speculate as it could be any number of reasons. All the demotions I ever saw generally seemed tied to performance issues. Integrity issues, if it could be proven in a slam dunk case, pretty much always led to termination.

Most demotions I saw in my time were manager to supervisor. I can only think of one time when a division manager stepped down to manager. In that case, he was a great manager, got promoted to division and found the travel put more strain on his family than anticipated so he requested and was granted the step down back to manager.

Your case could be similar, or it could be a temporary thing till a feeder div manager role opens as you mentioned, could be a suspected integrity thing but they don't have the slam dunk case to terminate with him lawyering up, could be performance. Could be he was ready to retire and they offered him a lower stress position to get him to stay on for a bit, I've seen that happen but it usually meant a move from operations to a support role.


Well-Known Member
Integrity, messing with the numbers, fooling around with a clerk, take your pick. It could be a number of things. He's lucky he still has a job. Typically when that happens, they don't get a cut in pay either.


Well-Known Member
Most steps back I’ve seen lately are voluntary. DM’s are putting in crazy hours and are regularly ran through the ringer by the region. It’s not a particularly attractive job these days.


Well-Known Member
Integrity, messing with the numbers, fooling around with a clerk, take your pick. It could be a number of things. He's lucky he still has a job. Typically when that happens, they don't get a cut in pay either.

In that district I would have a hard time believing anyone would keep their job after any of the offenses you mention. 104feeder's avatar is a pic of an Ops Manager who was considered a tough, very competent manager, he was clearly being groomed for a district. He got caught in some inappropriate extra curricular activity and poof, gone out the door, do not take a demotion, do not pass go, do not collect $200.


In that district I would have a hard time believing anyone would keep their job after any of the offenses you mention. 104feeder's avatar is a pic of an Ops Manager who was considered a tough, very competent manager, he was clearly being groomed for a district. He got caught in some inappropriate extra curricular activity and poof, gone out the door, do not take a demotion, do not pass go, do not collect $200.

What’d he do?


Phoenix Feeder
In that district I would have a hard time believing anyone would keep their job after any of the offenses you mention. 104feeder's avatar is a pic of an Ops Manager who was considered a tough, very competent manager, he was clearly being groomed for a district. He got caught in some inappropriate extra curricular activity and poof, gone out the door, do not take a demotion, do not pass go, do not collect $200.

Bingo except the tough, competent part. I wiped the floor with him, it was highly entertaining.


Well-Known Member
Bingo except the tough, competent part. I wiped the floor with him, it was highly entertaining.

Ok tough guy, I'm sure you're very scary and pick your teeth with the bones of managers.

I'm however going to guess you were never in staff meetings with him nor had a good handle on the view those above him in the hierarchy held off him.

Admittedly speculation on my part but I'm convinced had he been smart enough to keep his phallus in his trousers at work (or at the very least kept it from sending selfies), he'd be a district manager now.

That answer your question @burrheadd ?


Ok tough guy, I'm sure you're very scary and pick your teeth with the bones of managers.

I'm however going to guess you were never in staff meetings with him nor had a good handle on the view those above him in the hierarchy held off him.

Admittedly speculation on my part but I'm convinced had he been smart enough to keep his phallus in his trousers at work (or at the very least kept it from sending selfies), he'd be a district manager now.

That answer your question @burrheadd ?

Huh? Never heard of him


Phoenix Feeder
Ok tough guy, I'm sure you're very scary and pick your teeth with the bones of managers.

I'm however going to guess you were never in staff meetings with him nor had a good handle on the view those above him in the hierarchy held off him.

Admittedly speculation on my part but I'm convinced had he been smart enough to keep his phallus in his trousers at work (or at the very least kept it from sending selfies), he'd be a district manager now.

That answer your question @burrheadd ?

All I can relate is my own personal experience with little Billy. Considering what we promote in this District (or like WNJ ship to others) it wouldn't surprise me. Incompetency seems to reign supreme here. That tough guy attitude only gets you so far, personally I embrace it because it's great for internal organizing and they always hang themselves eventually. I'm actually very easy to get along with just follow the Contract. Give me a reason though and I dedicate all my waking hours to friend*king up your operation any way I can.

I'm betting Billy had a class or two in forced perspective photography.


Well-Known Member

Refresh my memory...
When a manager level person "steps down", "gets demoted"...whatever...to supervisor level, does the person lose both manager salary AND manager stock OR

...is it one or the other?
I can't remember.

...and, no, this isn't a stupid question.

When a mgmt person is demoted they definitely change the stock award to the new lower level.

As for salary - case by case basis. Mostly, I've seen them retain the monthly salary, but if you'll be over 130% of the midpoint for your new pay grade, you'll get trimmed back to that. The grades overlap by quite a bit so this won't happen in every case.

In one case a manager told me he asked for a raise when he found out a newly demoted sup coming to his center had a higher monthly salary that he did. He said he wanted to be just over the guy he was managing and said he got it. Maybe true, maybe not... I'd be more inclined to believe they'd cut the sup salary first, but who knows.


60 months and counting
All I can relate is my own personal experience with little Billy. Considering what we promote in this District (or like WNJ ship to others) it wouldn't surprise me. Incompetency seems to reign supreme here. That tough guy attitude only gets you so far, personally I embrace it because it's great for internal organizing and they always hang themselves eventually. I'm actually very easy to get along with just follow the Contract. Give me a reason though and I dedicate all my waking hours to friend*king up your operation any way I can.

I'm betting Billy had a class or two in forced perspective photography.
All this time we thought that avatar was actually you.....


Well-Known Member
All this time we thought that avatar was actually you.....

Nope, that's Billy C.

If I had to guess 104feeder sounds more like a space cowboy, a gangster if love just call him Maurice, cause he speaks of the pompitous of love.

I could be totally off base though there's a ton if feeder drivers in 104 he could be


60 months and counting
Nope, that's Billy C.

If I had to guess 104feeder sounds more like a space cowboy, a gangster if love just call him Maurice, cause he speaks of the pompitous of love.

I could be totally off base though there's a ton if feeder drivers in 104 he could be
Actually 104 feeder rarely gets on here to “chew the fat” about anything except for feeder issues only.... you wouldn’t dare see him in fluff talking smack with @Gumby or dare we say it @Indecisi0n or @Turdferguson ..... 104 only seems to stick to answering questions that feeder drivers have and might venture out a little to include local 104 union issues... so if that’s being a space cowboy so be it but I think you got him all wrong


Phoenix Feeder
Nope, that's Billy C.

If I had to guess 104feeder sounds more like a space cowboy, a gangster if love just call him Maurice, cause he speaks of the pompitous of love.

I could be totally off base though there's a ton if feeder drivers in 104 he could be

I get that a lot. I shake a lot of peach trees but nobody calls me Maurice.
This username is just for Feeder and 104 issues, though occasionally I digress. I'm sure the mods know my other ones, though not all are active. Not enough time to devote to arguing on here anymore and BC isn't very influential (Forums in general aren't ).

Long line of Billy C's in my decades at UPS, all gone. I just find his pic attached to my posts amusing.