Do I have a grievance case?


Well-Known Member
Today my facility officially started Day sort because peak season is upon us. So you know me and a few dozen other regulars that signed up for this step up there ready to work that second shift only to be told by security we gotta stay outside until they get confirmation from HR. So while we're waiting, we see a bunch of new people in blue vest that ain't even passed their probation being let inside to work. So you know... we looking at each other like what the :censored3: going on? Why are you letting in these new guys, while we, the seniority are made to wait outside like new hires. Now security keeps calling and calling HR but they don't pick up and stay locked away in their office because they know they've done dirty and its an angry mob out there waiting to take them to task. Supes ain't answering their phones and HR is in hiding, only answering the phone to give the go ahead to let in seasonal applicants.

So after awhile we get tired and we just storm inside to see whats going on. What we see-- about 2 dozen new hires, all in blue vest, unloading and loading. Again we go what the the :censored3: is this? We signed up for the day sort and you pass us over to give those hours to new hires and seasonals!? For real!? At UPS where seniority is supposed to get first bite of the pie!? Where the steward at? This looks like a text book case for a grievance right here, am I right?


Working on a new degree, Masters in BS Detecting!
FILE, what exactly do you have to lose in doing so! You should have done this today as the same thing is going to happen tomorrow.

Call your BA right now!


Just a turd
Today my facility officially started Day sort because peak season is upon us. So you know me and a few dozen other regulars that signed up for this step up there ready to work that second shift only to be told by security we gotta stay outside until they get confirmation from HR. So while we're waiting, we see a bunch of new people in blue vest that ain't even passed their probation being let inside to work. So you know... we looking at each other like what the :censored3: going on? Why are you letting in these new guys, while we, the seniority are made to wait outside like new hires. Now security keeps calling and calling HR but they don't pick up and stay locked away in their office because they know they've done dirty and its an angry mob out there waiting to take them to task. Supes ain't answering their phones and HR is in hiding, only answering the phone to give the go ahead to let in seasonal applicants.

So after awhile we get tired and we just storm inside to see whats going on. What we see-- about 2 dozen new hires, all in blue vest, unloading and loading. Again we go what the the :censored3: is this? We signed up for the day sort and you pass us over to give those hours to new hires and seasonals!? For real!? At UPS where seniority is supposed to get first bite of the pie!? Where the steward at? This looks like a text book case for a grievance right here, am I right?

You don't have the right to work overtime instead of them if that is their regularly scheduled shift


Well-Known Member
Today my facility officially started Day sort because peak season is upon us. So you know me and a few dozen other regulars that signed up for this step up there ready to work that second shift only to be told by security we gotta stay outside until they get confirmation from HR. So while we're waiting, we see a bunch of new people in blue vest that ain't even passed their probation being let inside to work. So you know... we looking at each other like what the :censored3: going on? Why are you letting in these new guys, while we, the seniority are made to wait outside like new hires. Now security keeps calling and calling HR but they don't pick up and stay locked away in their office because they know they've done dirty and its an angry mob out there waiting to take them to task. Supes ain't answering their phones and HR is in hiding, only answering the phone to give the go ahead to let in seasonal applicants.

So after awhile we get tired and we just storm inside to see whats going on. What we see-- about 2 dozen new hires, all in blue vest, unloading and loading. Again we go what the the :censored3: is this? We signed up for the day sort and you pass us over to give those hours to new hires and seasonals!? For real!? At UPS where seniority is supposed to get first bite of the pie!? Where the steward at? This looks like a text book case for a grievance right here, am I right?

Is this a new permanent shift or is this something they only do for Peak?


Well-Known Member
You don't have the right to work overtime instead of them if that is their regularly scheduled shift

Its not. Its just a temp shift for peak season and there was a sign up/bid sheet to get on that shift. Seniority signed up but the bottom of the totem pole got picked. We were disrespected. I think they just rather pay cheap new meat rather than pay seniority their OT. In that, they have crossed a line. This isn't like we're trying to move in on the new guys in Twilight or Night because we think we should get their time. No, this was a shift with a bid and we, the seniority, lost out to untrained juniors. Doesn't work like that.

Frankie's Friend

Yeah, but "training" has to end sometime. I'll give it a week, the regular time for training, and then I'll start filing and calling the BA.
Any supes working more than "training"?


Well-Known Member
If they've created a sort for peak volume and hired insiders specifically for that sort, then that work is theirs first before your right to extra work. They may have a sign up sheet for the extra work if volume comes in higher and earlier than anticipated or, heaven forefend, a bunch of the brand new hires say eff this and stop showing up.

Sounds to me like you have no case. You can take solace in the fact that all these new hires will be laid off after peak when the sort collapses.

Box Ox

What can be, unburdened by what has been.
Agree with @brownIEman . I can't really imagine a situation in which permanent PT employees can take shifts from seasonal employees for extra work.


Well-Known Member
If they've created a sort for peak volume and hired insiders specifically for that sort, then that work is theirs first before your right to extra work. They may have a sign up sheet for the extra work if volume comes in higher and earlier than anticipated or, heaven forefend, a bunch of the brand new hires say eff this and stop showing up.

Sounds to me like you have no case. You can take solace in the fact that all these new hires will be laid off after peak when the sort collapses.

This is true IF those new hires were hired to staff that shift. Some thing tells me they were not. Also hiring someone for a temporary shift would make them seasonals. Here seasonal work last.


Well-Known Member
Just for Peak because our volume has increased.

I would file right away. Even without knowing all the facts. File and let your BA sort it out. He/She will also be able to give you a reason for it if need be. Don't trust the sups to give you a honest answer why new hires are working before you.


Well-Known Member
This is true IF those new hires were hired to staff that shift. Some thing tells me they were not. Also hiring someone for a temporary shift would make them seasonals. Here seasonal work last.

Why would they bring in brand new hires into a brand new shift if they weren't hired to run that shift? No operation would start a new sort and plan to only staff it with double shifters. If they do that, the last week of peak when they need people the most is exactly the week the double shifters would say 'I've made enough, I'm tired, not working the day sort anymore.' Then they get to figure out how to run 45k pieces through a hub with 4 guys. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
Why would they bring in brand new hires into a brand new shift if they weren't hired to run that shift? No operation would start a new sort and plan to only staff it with double shifters. If they do that, the last week of peak when they need people the most is exactly the week the double shifters would say 'I've made enough, I'm tired, not working the day sort anymore.' Then they get to figure out how to run 45k pieces through a hub with 4 guys. Good luck.

If they already have their blue vests and this was the first day of the shift I'm sure they have been working a different shift.

I will admit we have never had a extra shift added to our building but without the full story I would still file because this doesn't sound right.


Well-Known Member
Why would they bring in brand new hires into a brand new shift if they weren't hired to run that shift? No operation would start a new sort and plan to only staff it with double shifters. If they do that, the last week of peak when they need people the most is exactly the week the double shifters would say 'I've made enough, I'm tired, not working the day sort anymore.' Then they get to figure out how to run 45k pieces through a hub with 4 guys. Good luck.

They add Sunday sorts after Thanksgiving here. They say it's "mandatory," but attendance is never enforced on it. It's not a coincidence that most of the people you see at UPS on Sunday are the same people you see pulling doubles throughout the week.

A shift staffed entirely of double shifters...for all intents and purposes, that's what Sunday sorts are here (not including noonday sorts).


Well-Known Member
They add Sunday sorts after Thanksgiving here. They say it's "mandatory," but attendance is never enforced on it. It's not a coincidence that most of the people you see at UPS on Sunday are the same people you see pulling doubles throughout the week.

A shift staffed entirely of double shifters...for all intents and purposes, that's what Sunday sorts are here (not including noonday sorts).

While I personally think that's still not a good idea as a plan for peak, running one sort a week like that is a far cry from running 5.