does a bid mean anything for an air driver ?


Well-Known Member
Also, nowhere does it say the new jobs need to be created out of air/shuttle work.
They can use two warehouse positions. But the full timers that filed against your job don’t want to work in the warehouse. They want easy shuttle work.
I know because that is what I went through.
The full time drivers went behind my back and filed to make my position full time. (A different driver will file at least once a year demanding to see my bid) Not even taking into consideration that Iv been doing this position for 20years and have made a living and life for my family and myself around this position. (Filing drivers always have less company seniority than myself)
Thank God the company labor manager has known me for 20 years and was my original sup knowing Iv always done this job, the company has refused to change my position until I vacate per the contractual language.
Unfortunately my enemy has been none other than my teamster brothers and sisters selfish actions.
That is rather devious of them. Teamsters shouldnt take work from other Teamsters.

And lets be honest here, part time turn over is so high, there is no reason they cant wait for one of those positions to be vacated before converting it to full time

air driver

That works if you are a shuttle driver. But what about EAM driving? I dont think that would be categorized as shuttle work
agree, if you are a shuttle driver... i am on feeder time when shuttle to airport, then eam driving time starts when i arrive at my 1st of 8-12 eam stops..
Woke up early and went for a drive by airport... they are using a pt hub worker that has been floating in our dept for a long time.... made another call to union hall. ....they are breaking so many contract rules.... they put me on afternoons as a air driver.. i pick up more ground than air from ups stores... like 150-200 ground pkgs... where is my ground pay?... all the other air drivers are afraid to get their hrs cut, or lose their job.. so they stay quiet and pick up a truck full of ground everyday...

air driver

Thats is stretching the definition quite a bit, i doubt that a grievance would be decided that way. Im pretty sure "shuttle" means taking volume from one center to another center to be sorted.
true, that is considered shuttle driving... not going out and delivering eams, that is an eam driver..


Yes they can do that, had it happen firsthand (I took work of EAM driver who did route for 20 years, they were bumped; not out of air driving completely, but the particular EAM route/shuttle). Seemed like more of power play than business move, and also divide and conquer, might be the same here?


Well-Known Member
I am a Tcd. But I do report to preload and the slow down has me more or less stuck with Airs and belt clean up. Witch is fine, but the question I have is at my rate of 14.50 for air and sense I will be hitting my second year of at least air coming up in November do I progress to the highest cap or am I on the 4 year progression. I do have my cover driver pay of 30.77 on Saturdays with the pick ups at the UPS stores along with some ground and Air of course at 12PM. Aga8n I do preload in the AM most days of the week except for peak.